Wednesday, August 24, 2011

University of Parenthood

When I became a Mother I was automatically enrolled as a student in the University of Parenthood. I currently have one professor and one student teacher; Shasta and Wedge. I can't tell you how excited I am to be attending this school. The campus feels like home and there's been this super cute boy named Nick in all of my classes who seems to be just as clueless as me!

So far spring and summer semesters have gone pretty well. It got off to a rocky start; 8 weeks undercooked, emergency c-section, NICU, post partum, but finally coming home, seeing her smile, and watching her learn and grow make up for it. Overall my GPA is relatively unscathed. Fall semester is quickly approaching and I'm a little nervous, but mostly excited about what my courses have in store for me; Halloween, solid foods (although that might not come until spring semester), shots, Doctor's appointments, sign language, rolling over, and much, much more. As a kid, I always looked forward to Christmas break, but I don't want any of my classes to pass me by too quickly.

My first homework assignment: as long as I'm enrolled in the University of Parenthood, I have to update my blog with posts about different lessons I've learned and the things my Professors and student teachers have taught me. I love fun assignments! I'm glad my teachers have been taking it easy on me so far, but I fear the day will come when things suddenly seem overwhelming and I can't keep up. I'm already anticipating a lesson on patience. Those ones never seem to be learned the first time. Stay tuned for Lesson Learned #1.

First day of school picture:


Jenna said...

Great analogy. I feel the same way! I was Mom, the Intern and I still am Mom, the Intern because I'll always be learning on the job!

Sara said...

Love all these blog posts you're putting up! :) I'll have to read all of your University of Parenthood posts for future use. :)

Lacey said...

How do you come up with these? You crack me up, it makes me wish I was creative an wrote fun things for my blog!