Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nick: 597ish, Spiders: 0

I hurried to the gas station tonight because we were sitting on next to empty and we're going to Bountiful tomorrow and it'll be the Sabbath. When I got back there was a HUGE spider right by the door to go into the house. Now I know I say every spider is huge, but this one really was and I'm pretty sure it had a gun!

After standing there staring at it, trying to convince myself it won't attack me when I open the door; and then fearing the garage light will turn off before I actually open the door, I hurry in the house to get Nick. Being attacked by a giant spider while opening the door seemed a little less horrifying than being attacked by a giant spider in the dark while I opened the door.

Conversation with Nick goes as follows:

"Nick there's a really big spider."
"Is it just really big because you're really little?"
"No it really is big this time. I don't think your fingers can squish it!"
...He gets some toilet paper and steps out in the garage...
"Wow, that is a big one!" (no sarcasm, it really was.) huffing, a little panicked...
...he looks at me (feeling a little panicked too), then squishes it really super fast...
Me shuttering, "You're so brave." (He laughs) "Gross, half it's body is still there."
"That's not it's body."
"Fine, it's guts."
...he throws it away and comes back in the house to greet me with a huge bear hug...
"My hero!"

The End.


The Meantime Girl said...

Super cute!

Sara said...

We have a glue trap by our front door. We've caught at least 5 huge spiders on it. gross! There were a whole bunch right after they sprayed our foundation, there aren't as many now, for which I'm very glad. :)

Paul and Mariko said...

The gun carrying spiders that roam around in the dark are the ones you really need to watch out for!