Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So Rude!

I planted a pot of Shasta Daisy seeds this summer and have been slowly watching them grow. I can’t remember exactly when I planted them, but it’s been at least a month, probably longer. I watered them right before I went to Oregon and when I stepped outside last week to water them THEY WERE GONE! Really? The entire pot was no longer on my doorstep. So I decided to investigate a little to see if maybe they were moved to a different place in the yard.
Sure enough somebody decided to tuck them in the corner and put a bag of potting soil in front of them to hide it (and completely block it from the sun). Seriously? Who does that? I can’t imagine the lawn guys would have done it because it wasn’t in the way of what they do. The only thing I can think of are those bratty girls that always knock on the door to play with Wedge!
I know it’s a silly thing to be mad over, but I almost feel violated; like someone deliberately did it to hurt me or something. I don’t even care other than now my flowers are dead and I’ve wasted my time watching them grow. Also, there have been a few times that the cover on the garage door code has been left up. I never leave it up; one of those pet peeves of mine, so now I feel like someone is trying to get in or something. Suddenly I feel it’s time to move. Too bad we have to live here at least another year.


Jenna said...

That's not cool!! I'm so sorry. Homeownership comes with all kinds of downsides. I used to have a el. school bus stop right by my house and the kids would terrorize my front yard, throw things into my backyard then ring the door at 7 in the morning and all sorts of shenanigans. Thankfully the school was willing to move it for me. I hated that feeling!

Sara said...

That's so dumb! Hopefully THEY move.

Lacey said...

That's so sad! Why would anyone want to hide your flower pot? That makes me sad.

Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

That's kind of creepy. Lets all just hope it really is those pesky little kids. Then at least we could hope they just don't know better....