Thursday, July 7, 2011


I've been meaning to post this for a while, but was too lazy to find where I stuck the paper with the information I needed. Here are Shasta's official stats from when she was born to her last appointment. Her percentiles are based on her gestational age in comparison to other babies that were due the same day as her. Next time we go to the doctor she'll finally be on a newborn chart!

Date: Gestation: Weight: Percentile:
4/25 - 32.7 weeks - 3.75 lbs - 29%tile
5/02 - 33.7 weeks - 3.31 lbs - 9%tile
5/09 - 34.7 weeks - 3.97 lbs - 11%tile
5/15 - 35.7 weeks - 4.41 lbs - 11%tile
5/26 - 37.2 weeks - 4.94 lbs - 8%tile
6/28 - 41.8 weeks - 7.5 lbs - 26%tile

Date: Gestation: Length: Percentile:
4/25 - 32.7 weeks - 16.1 in - 24%tile
5/02 - 33.7 weeks - 16.1 in - 13%tile
5/09 - 34.7 weeks - 16.14 in - 7%tile
5/15 - 35.7 weeks - 17.32 in - 21%tile
5/26 - 37.2 weeks - 18.0 in - 27%tile
6/28 - 41.8 weeks - 20.0 in - 41%tile

Head Circumference:
Date: Gestation: Circum: Percentile:
5/26 - 37.2 weeks - 15.2 in - 100%tile
6/28 - 41.8 weeks - 14.7 in - 81%tile

Obviously they measured her head wrong at her first appointment. I don't think it would get smaller a month later and it's off the charts by a long shot. As in nowhere near the graph! Plus when they measured it at her two month appointment they came back in and did it again to make sure they measured right.

She's been consistantly small in height and weight and has an extra large head! It's weird to think that these charts are in comparison to premie babies due June 15th and she's still so tiny. Sure if she was being compared to full term babies that would make sense, but she's even small for a premie! That's okay though. I think she's 7 pounds of pure perfection! It's amazing to me that she could be born 8 weeks early and only weigh 3lbs 10oz and the biggest complication was her blood counts were low which never lead to anything serious. I don't know why Nick and I were blessed to have an exceptionally strong child, but I am SO grateful she's healthy and strong. I have more to say on this, but I think I'll save it for a post of it's own. For now I better go feed the babe.

1 comment:

Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

What a blessing she was/is so strong! I'm glad she is doing well.