Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bath Time!

Shasta LOVES bath time. She stares at me the whole time with a content look on her face. Sometimes I feel like a bad mom for not letting her soak it up longer, but holding her up the whole time makes my arm pretty tired! I didn't want to buy any type of bath chair for her because it's such a short time before they don't need it anymore and then we have to store it. It felt like more of a waste than a want. But that's just my opinion, nothing against anyone who has one and I'm sure there's plenty of people that swear by them. But when we brought Shasta home from the hospital she was only 4lbs so bathing her in the kitchen sink hasn't been a big deal. Plus it means my kitchen is always clean so there's an added bonus!

Whenever I give Shasta a bath Wedge always comes and puts his front legs up on mine trying to see what we're doing so one day I decided to pull a chair over. He stood on the chair with his front feet up on the counter and watched the whole time. Anything I used on Shasta (comb, wipes, lotion, etc.) I let him smell first so he could feel more a part of what was going on. It was pretty much the cutest thing in the world! I seriously love that little guy! Now that he's seen what we're doing when I give her a bath he's a lot less interested. I still pull a chair over so he can help if he wants, but he usually leaves before we even get started. It's the same with changing her diaper. Now that he knows what's going on he doesn't care so much to be a part of it.

Can you even believe how long this girl's hair is getting? For a 3 month old who is only supposed to be and looks like a 1 month old she sure has long hair! We put her hair in pigtails for church today and so many people were surprised that she can already get little pigs. One mom said that her daughter was over a year old before she was able to do pigtails. The hair that hangs over Shasta's ears comes to about the center of her ear now. I joke with Nick that by the time she's crawling her hair will be dragging the floor! Wouldn't that be a riot?!


Bethany said...

I have the cutest baby tub that you are welcome to borrow if you'd like. If you are happy with the sink that's okay- just wanted to offer.
It's funny how she seems to be at peace. My girls don't like the bath too much at first.

Tannie Datwyler said...

She is so darn adorable Sara. I loved all your updates on her - especially the picture of you two sleeping. :)