Now it’s funny to me that it’s actually BIG on Shasta! I wish I would have put her in it while she was in the NICU just to see how much bigger it was when she was so tiny because it would have swallowed her in comparison to how big it is on her now.
It really amazes me that she’s so tiny and it actually makes me sad that she’s graduated into newborn clothes because she’s not my little premie anymore. Although I guess technically the newborn clothes are too big and the premie clothes fit her a lot better, the only problem is on premie clothes they don’t put snaps on the back or shoulders and her head is getting too big for them. She cries and cries when you try to take her outfit off so that’s when I decided it was time to try out the newborn clothes. I’m excited to have a new selection of outfits to pick from and a much larger one at that. We didn’t have very many premie outfits so it felt like she always wore the same thing. Why is it that premie outfits are so hard to find?
Today was Shasta’s 2 month appointment. She’s 7lbs 8oz. Woot woot! Since we’ve now finally passed her due date I asked her doctor if that’s a good guessing point for how much she would have weighed if she went full term. His answer was no. He said typically you can add a pound more to it because she wouldn’t have to work as hard if she was still in the womb like she has to now. He said we very easily would have had an 8lb or more baby. THANK HEAVENS SHE WAS EARLY!!!
She also had her immunization shots today. Poor girl. She was SO upset. The kind of upset where she can’t even get a sound out in her crying. It was super sad, but I didn’t cry with her! I kept myself occupied with a survey I was asked to fill out. Nick was the one involved in all the action.
By the way, check out those rolls! She’s definitely porking up!
Proof she had shots.
Two in the right leg and one in the left. She also had to have her blood drawn to see where her blood counts are since she was borderline needing a transfusion while she was in the NICU. For that they pricked her foot. They gave us the results before we left and her blood is normal for where a newborn baby should be. YAY!!! Her doctor said he actually expected her to be pretty pale because most babies bottom out around two months before they come back up, but he was really impressed that her color looked so good! Unfortunately, we still have to give her iron every day. He upped how much to give her, but lowered how often. Now it’s only twice a day so yay for that!
Since we’ve been home she’s mostly just wanted to sleep, but she wakes up a lot and screams. It’s super sad. Any advice for this first time mom feeling sorry for her baby in pain would be greatly appreciated!
Ah, the shots days are the worst. I did cry when Audrey got her first shots. Not with Carson, though. I guess it was old hat by then.
She is so cute. Love that monkey outfit!
Shots suck! I usually plan to spend the night on the couch and let the baby sleep on me and nurse as much as they want the first night. Then just tylenol as much as the doctor says she can have every 4 hours. If she cringes and cries when you touch her leg, put a wet warm wash cloth on it. Best advice- lots of cuddling. Good luck! Can't believe how big she is!
Hold her! That's my only advice. Even if it doesn't technically make her feel better, it will make you feel better. It might make you feel better to know she probably won't react the same way next time. At least it was like that with my girls. One time would be so horrible and the next would be no big deal.
I'm glad she's getting bigger!
We did motrin before the appointment, and every 4 hours after that. Theres a major warning on infant tylenol right now so be careful. My sister in law is a nurse and she said with all of her kids she would give them motrin every 4-6 hours for the first 24 hours whether they were crying or not, that way it kept the fever down and they never got to the point of being very fussy. Ive done the same with Tucker and it works wonders!
He was the same as Shasta the first time, i had to blow in his face to get him to breathe cause he was crying so hard! But at 6 months he cried for like two seconds and was fine! He wasnt even fussy the rest of the day!
She is adorable and looks like a newborn now, crazy! She is getting big though. She is the same size as matty was when he was born, scary. I agree with everyone else though, tylenol is all you can do, if she can take that. Matty always gets a fever after his shots and loves him some tylenol. They get better though and then they dont cry as much. I think it is a shock more then anything.
She is super precious Sara - oh my goodness that tiny one is to die for. I LOVE tiny babies and am always bummed that mine grow so fast. Linus was little when we brought him home from the hospital (5 lbs 13 oz) but he gained a pound per week for 4 weeks. I was SUPER sad that he grew so fast. So I can totally understand what you are saying. :)
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