Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Nick the Great!

Can I just say I have the best husband in the world. Nick is perfect for me! What are the odds that we would have found each other and actually ended up together? Like one in a million? Girl from Arizona; boy from Utah; boy and girl meet in Illinois. Really? Why did my parents open a Bed and Breakfast in Nauvoo? And why did the church decide to send Nick to Nauvoo that summer? All I can say is I'm so grateful to have a greater being looking out for me!

Nick has been so great during the first trimester. I didn't expect him to be so supportive considering I've wanted a baby far longer than he has. I half expected to hear "you wanted this" or "this was your idea" and get told to suck it up and stop whining. Thank heavens that hasn't been the case!

Not only has he been working full time and going to school full time he's also taken care of the cleaning and cooking for the last 6 weeks. He's done everything I've asked him to do and gotten me everything I've needed. He even made freezer meals so there would be something for me to throw in the oven while he was at work. And the best part is even though he's been stretched so thin, I haven't heard one single complaint out of him. I wouldn't have survived the first trimester without him, that's for sure!