Monday, January 24, 2011

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice...

Nick and I finally found out what the sex of the baby is. I posted it on facebook so I'm sure everyone that reads my blog already knows, but for the sake of blogging I'll post it here too. We're having a little girl!!!

I'm sure we have some family members that are relieved and others that are disappointed. This will be the 6th girl in Nick's family with no little boys running around and it will be the 4th little girl in my family with 2 little boys that just arrived in October. Although it would have been fun for Nick to have the first boy in his family (since he's the only boy) we're still super excited for our little girl! And Nick's excited to make a little volleyball player out of her!

As for my appointment they said everything looks really good. The ultra sound tech told us everything we were looking at and with everything said baby's doing great and is healthy. He said I'm measuring to be due on June 17th, but it's only two days off from what they thought so they're not going to change my due date. Still due on the 15th!

Baby girl was tucked up in a little ball during the entire ultra sound. She was VERY stubborn and wasn't going to move for anybody. She was sitting breech the whole time too which was kind of funny to me because I sit with my knees tucked up under my chin everyday at work because it helps with not wanting to puke so much. Guess we have something in common! Anyway, it wasn't until he got all of the measurements and was done with everything, but finding the gender that he finally got her to move enough to see there were definitely no boy parts. She had us a little worried that we weren't gonna get to find out if she was a he or she! It's also a little commical because now she won't stop moving. Maybe this means she won't be a morning person...!

I'm down two more pounds since my last appointment. That puts me at a total of 12 pounds lost since getting pregnant. My doctor seemed a little more concerned about it this time and gave me yet another prescription to see if it will help with the nausea. He said the baby's growing and doing good so it's not a problem yet, but we don't want it to be a problem later. I'm not worried about it personally. I felt like I was gaining weight and was actually worried about what the scale was going to say at this appointment (we don't have a scale at home), but then I got sick with a cold and the flu so I think that's what did it for me this time.

As for baby girl's name. We've had quite the range of reactions about it with telling our friends and family so far today. I guess that's probably why people keep the name a secret because once it's done it's done and it doesn't matter who does and doesn't like it. Nick and I decided at least 4 years ago what we would name our kids. We picked 3 girl names and 3 boy names and so far we still like all of the girl names, but couldn't come to an agreement on the first boy name. It's funny how you can tell when someone is trying to be nice and pretend they like the name, but they really hate it. Every phone call I made today seemed to have that reaction! But that's okay. To each their own. Nick and I like the name and that's all that really matters.

Have I played up the name enough yet?!? You should just decide now that you're not going to like it! :) We're going to name her...

Shasta Elizabeth!

Elizabeth is my middle name and also my grandma's name. When my grandma died it meant a lot more to me to have her name and I decided then that I would pass it on. Nick and I have since decided that all of our kids will get a name passed onto them whether it be first or middle. Shasta is just a name that Nick has wanted for a long time and although I didn't like it at first, I do now! He finally convinced me when he said we could have a little "Shasta" party for her first birthday or whenever and I pictured this really cute scrapbook page!!! Obviously there's the Shasta drinks, but in Arizona there's also Shasta Pools, as in swimming pools. How convenient that she'll be born in late spring, practically summer for us to be able to do a pool party with my family when we visit!

Nick is also kind of relieved to be having a girl first because apparently not this one, but the next Chronicles of Narnia movie, the main character is named Shasta so he didn't want people to think we copied the movie. If we were having a boy first then it'd probably hit right at the same time as the movie being released that we would be using Shasta for baby #2, if she was a girl of course. Now we won't have that problem!

Anyway, so there it is. Shasta Elizabeth Hendricks. We debated on Shiloh instead of Shasta, but I have a cousin named Shiloh and we're wanting to use a name for a boy that another cousin just used recently so it kind of seems like I'm just using all of my cousins names! We're excited for Shasta and maybe by announcing her name now it will grow on all those that don't like it! It took me a while to come around too so just give it time! :)


Jessica and colby said...

love the cute name!

Jennifer Tolman said...

Congratulations Sara!! It is totally raining girls this spring but it is SO fun! I am excited for you and I like the name!!! I love names that are a little different but are still names :D too cute! congrats again. and I love your new hair. I forgot to tell you when I saw you sunday.

Paul and Mariko said...

Very cute! CONGRATS! :D

The Pearce People said...

Don't even be worried if people don't like the name, can't please everybody!! Once I found out the gender it made all the sickness a little more bearable because it made the whole thing seem more real and more worth it!

Kelsey Fairbanks said...

Cute name! Love it! I knew a girl named Shasta before! Plus she's got her own line of awesome soda! ;) Congrats again!

Team Reid said...

Congrats!!!! It is so exciting! I am sure some people had the same reaction to our baby's name, but when it fits, it just fits! It will grow on them, and when she is here they won't be able to imagine her as anything but Shasta! Go with the name you love! :)

Tannie Datwyler said...

Congratulations my friend!! That's so wonderful - I love the big ultrasound.

I'm so sorry about the weight loss - I feel SOOOOO bad for you. :(

As for the name - way to go on being brave and blocking out the negative comments. People are so rude about names sometimes. It's YOUR baby, you name her what you want!!

And yes, that's why we kept Linus a secret - we got some flack on Claire's middle name before she was born and I didn't want to hear it on Linus.