Monday, January 17, 2011

2010 Recap

*Found out two of my sisters were having babies due on the same day and my sister in law was having a baby due five days before them. First baby for all of them.

*Got a new niece in march.

*Turned 21 again!

*Went to Arizona for spring break.

*Stepped down from being the manager at my job so I could focus more on school.

*Had my second successful year of being on the Relay for Life committee at USU.

*Celebrated my 4th wedding anniversary.

*Nick had his 32nd birthday.

*My younger sister turned 21 in July which makes us the same age now! :)

*Wedge turned 1 and yes, we had a mini birthday party for him!

*Went to Las Vegas for a training retreat for Relay for Life.

*Went to Arizona for a double baby shower for my sisters.

*Found out we're expecting our first baby in June.

*Got a new nephew October 23rd, another one October 29th, and a new niece October 31st!

*Went to Arizona for Thanksgiving and shared the exciting news with my family that we're having a baby!

*Spent the rest of the year puking, feeling like crap, and not wanting to do anything.

That about sums things up! Lots of baby stories in 2010. I'm sure I'm forgetting many other important things, but I'm blaming it on not feeling good!

1 comment:

Lacey said...

Where are all the pictures!!!!