Monday, April 14, 2014

Shelby's 12 months!

Shelby had her 12 month appointment. Her doctor had nothing but good to say about her. She's very small for her age, and even small for her adjusted age, but she's consistently growing so there's no need to be alarmed. Her head is growing the way it should and that's all we can really ask for since it houses her brain!

Weight: 17lbs 2oz (2nd percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (1st percentile)
Head: 17.6 inches (41st percentile)

She's not walking yet, but she occasionally pulls herself up to a standing position.

She loves to share. She even takes her food right out of her mouth to share with you!

Her favorite game right now is passing a toy back and forth. She hands it to me, I hold it for a second, then hand it to her, she holds it for a second, then hands it to me. You get the idea.
Poor girl got 3 shots and her legs bruised from it. She had big knots in her legs too. The picture doesn't do the bruises justice. She wouldn't stop moving so I couldn't get a clear shot either.
She's been trying to get molars and she hasn't been a fan. Fever, runny nose, and lots of cuddles. Nick said she was really unsettled laying on him until Shasta came and sat with them and then she fell right to sleep!
She woke up one morning covered in her own puke. She didn't puke again the rest of the day, but there were a few times I thought she was going to. She spent the whole day either on my shoulder or Nick's. It's so sad when she doesn't feel good, but those cuddles certainly make up for it!
She always flips to her stomach when I put her to bed. I love this position with her knees tucked up under her.
She discovered herself in the mirror and started giving herself kisses!
It looks like she's blowing kisses, but really she's patting her mouth and making noises.
More teething.
Those darn teeth just won't pop through. I'm not complaining though...!
These shopping carts are the best! Even though Shelby looks grumpy, she still liked it. I love her arm draped on the side of the car. She's so cool!
First pigtails!
And a better view of the pigtails.
First time eating cake. She LOVED it!
She's so amazing! I'm so lucky to be her mom!

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