Sunday, June 16, 2013

Shelby's Two Months

My goodness time sure is flying by. Shelby is already two months old. Not much has changed in the last month.

By the time she reached 2 months:

*6lbs 5oz (6th percentile on a premie chart)

*19 inches long (9th percentile on a premie chart)

*Started nursing (finally), but it's been quite the struggle. At best she nurses once a day, but sometimes she still has to be topped off with a bottle because she gives up on nursing before she's eaten enough. Sometimes it takes 10 minutes to latch her. She likes to keep her tongue on the roof of her mouth which obviously doesn't work with nursing. I can latch her with a nursing shield, but she absolutely refuses to suck with it so we have to go without

*Premie clothes are getting small, but newborn clothes swallow her

*Passed her due date. Was due May 29th. Reached 2 months on June 8th

*Still spits up through her nose. Her doctor said not to worry about it and that there's no need for me to change my diet. If she starts acting irritated or it hurts when she spits up then it's something to fix, but for the most part she's just getting rid of what she doesn't need and it's coating her throat with an extra dose of antibodies

*Gives lots of sleep smiles, especially while she's nursing

*Possibly has a small hernia in her tummy, but her doctor thinks it'll go away over the next couple of months

*Still on a 3 hour feeding schedule, but trying to push her night feeds to every 4 hours. Sometimes she lasts and sometimes she doesn't

*Came off of oxygen on May 17th and had it officially removed from our home on May 20th after she passed her test! Three weeks on oxygen at home was WAY too long

I can't remember where Shasta falls for height, but it's on the short end. Next to Shelby she looks like a giant though!
*First newborn outfit. Thanks Grammy Tammy! She can't keep her feet in the legs and the shoulders are so big it looks like they have padding!

None of them were feeling very photogenic.
Shelby with her Lion.
Skinny little girl. She's also really hairy (as was Shasta)! Babies are covered in lanugo before they are born. They shed most of it off during the 3rd trimester, but my babies don't get the chance so they're born hairy and lose it a few months after birth.
Her newborn outfit makes her look bigger in her car seat.
And I had to include this one because I love her face! "Seriously, mom? Haven't you tortured me enough with all these pictures?" Oh honey, if only you knew.
A rocking chair comparison picture. I put her in a premie outfit because I think it shows her size better.

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