Monday, July 30, 2012

Random thoughts for the day

1. I was sitting on the concrete outside taking pictures of a project I'm doing. Shasta found a golfball and threw it in my direction. It bounced on the concrete and hit me square in the forehead. Nice aim baby!

2. I'm feeling a little sick thinking Fall Semester is right around the corner and Summer Semester isn't even over yet.

3. I get tired of people complaining that they have to press 1 for English when they live in America. Uh, hello, do you really want to sit through the entire spill of every language the directory is provided in before it continues on in English for you? Think about it. At least you get to press 1 and move on. It could be that you sit there as it goes through all the languages alphabetically and English fall as number 27 or something. I'm pretty glad to just press 1 right at the beginning!

4. Furthermore, I understand that the American language is English, but this is the land of the free and mixed cultures. Who cares that people have businesses that are named in another language. People are here for a better life. That doesn't mean they should have to give up everything that makes them who they are.

5. I think it's silly that there's a picture going around on Facebook that says "Click 'Like' to send a prayer to our troops". Um, how about we just pray for our troops. I'm pretty sure it'll be more effective.

6. Every 2 years life gets a little bitter at our house because we don't have television so we can't watch the Olympics. Such a shame. But then the Olympics end and I no longer feel the need to have cable. If it were up to me we would go the rest of our lives without tv, but Nick doesn't feel the same way so we'll see what happens. Heaven forbid we go the rest of our lives without sports playing in the Family Room!

7. I'm really tired of all the politics on Facebook. I thought who you choose to vote for was supposed to be private.

8. I'm extra tired of the gay rights talk that I see floating around Facebook. I've read through some of the comments on those Chick-Fil-A posts and I get really huffy about how ignorant some people are and how hateful people can be.

9. We're tolerating more and more sin lately. I love The Office, but how many times is the Lord's name used in vain in a single episode? It's normal to have sex scenes, adultery, crude jokes, gay couples, drug use, violence, and language on regular television. The more we see it, the more accepting we become and the less we notice it. I think we need to learn how to turn the channel. I started watching a tv series on Netflix that was about 3 different couples and their lifestyles. One couple happened to be married for 10 or so years and their relationship was struggling. They decided to try an open marriage. Each were allowed to pick one person to sleep with to help spice up their lives. I watched about 5 episodes before deciding it wasn't a show worth watching. The other couples were fun stories to follow and there were 2 actors that I like, but I didn't like the way it made me feel and it didn't agree with my standards within my own marriage, so I turned it off. Enough is enough. We have to draw the line somewhere and I think a great starting place is with what we watch on television.

10. I think I need a vacation. Maybe just a vacation from Netflix and Facebook. They seem to make me irritable. 7 of my 10 random thoughts were about tv or Facebook. 8 including this one! But I wouldn't mind a real vacation. Disneyland would be nice.


Lacey said...

I am craving going to Disneyland soooo bad. I need a vacation to, a really good one that involved lots of sleep! Lol. I had a show recommendation for you but I knew you wouldn't watch it because there was a gay story line. I'm getting really really tired of there being that kind of story line in every single tv show! Seriously enough is enough!

AN Petersen said...

I hear ya on the facebook annoyances.... like seriously.

Sara said...

We have a house rule to not watch anything rated above TV-PG on netflix. I think it really helps! Sometimes it's hard, because there are so many TV-14 shows, but I think it makes a difference.

I do agree with wanting to watch the olympics! I'm hoping I can find some re-runs (at least of the opening ceremony) on Here's hoping!

Definitely agree with being okay without cable. We used to have basic cable, because it was cheaper to have it for our internet, but now we switched to just internet, and I don't really miss the TV at all.

Tannie Datwyler said...

I like your random thoughts, it makes me smile. :)

Richard and I don't have cable in our home either, which means we don't watch TV... at all. I used to watch Glee on Hulu, but I think I'm giving that up too.

However, I am totally and COMPLETELY obsessed with the Olympics. So every 2 years we get cable for about 2 months and then cancel it. I just love it so much. SO I totally feel for you.

The only other thing I miss about TV is PBS, there are some great shows for kids.