Saturday, October 8, 2011

More Funny Things Nick Says

  • He always gets the door for me, but when we were leaving the grocery store I put the cart away and he thought he'd pick me up rather than wait for me to get back. I got back before he backed out of the parking space so I knocked on the window for him to open it from the inside.

Him (from inside the car): "Open the door. It's unlocked."
Me: Still waiting...
Him: Finally opens the door.
Me: "I can't touch the handle, it has poison on it!"
Him: "What makes you think I wanted you to touch the handle?"
Me: (Quoting him) "Open the door. It's unlocked."
Him: "Oh, yes. That's pretty good evidence."

  • Nick always hand writes in a notebook before typing anything up. Seems like more work to me, but I guess it's just the dedicated writer in him. Anyway as he was taking forever writing a post for my blog titled, "The Deeper Meaning Behind Football #1", I said:

Me: "How long is this post gonna be?"
Him: "When have you known me not to write a lot. That's why I don't write you more letters because they would be 4 and 5 pages long."
Me: "Sure sure. Likely excuse."

  • When we pulled into the church parking lot there were 3 girls having a meeting under the pavilion by the parking lot. In the grass a couple of feet away was a seagull watching the girls in a frozen stare. Nick said,

"Do you think the seagull is part of the meeting?"

  • (When I first typed this up I called the seagull a pelican. When I showed the post to Nick he didn't notice it was wrong. Later he said the Pigeon moment would have been better with a picture (totally true, it was priceless!). I corrected him and said Pelican. Then he said it was a Seagull because he wondered if it was Johnathon (anyone who's read the book (or seen the movie) will get that one).)

  • I undercooked the brownies... again. When Nick ate some he said we have to call them Browniesh (brown-eesh), as in Brownies-ish because they're not quite brownies.

  • After watching the pilot episode of Friday Night Lights Nick said:

Him: "I don't think I'll be watching many more of those episodes"
Me: "Yeah, I didn't like the camera shots."
Him: "It's not that. I think I'd cry too much!"

  • I was taking a shower before Nick got out of bed one morning and dropped a bottle which caused a loud, crashing thud. Nick jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom to see if I was okay. I didn't think much of it at the time, but later I asked him if he was in such a panic because he thought I fell. His response:

"Yes, and I had no idea how I would tell people you died in the shower."

  • There's a duet by Reba McEntire and Linda Davis called "Does He Love You" that my sister and I like to sing together. In the song, Reba is the wife and Linda is the other woman and they're both in love with the same man. (Not the best song for two sisters to sing, but we love it!) Anyway, I was singing it in the car and after singing the line:
I'll never see his face in the early morning light
You have his mornings, his day times
And sometimes I have his nights
Nick said:
"What's so special about this guy you two are fighting over? He obviously doesn't even have a job if he's spending all his time with the two of you."


Sally said...

I was cracking up as I read some of these. Too funny.

Lacey said...

Haha! Your husband is a goober.

Tannie Datwyler said...

That's great - tell Nick thanks for the laughs!