Tuesday, October 11, 2011

And She Finally Slept Through The Night

I jumped out of bed at 8 this morning and ran into Shasta's room in a panic. I put her to bed at 10 last night and never heard her again so I had to make sure she was still breathing. Usually she's up at least twice during the night so you can understand my concern. Either I never heard her cry (which is highly unlikely) or she's finally sleeping through the night. *Insert happy dance*

Yesterday morning she didn't get up until 6:45 and I thought that was just a fluke, but this morning she slept until 8:15 when I woke her up because I couldn't wait any longer to feed her. She slept for 10 hours! I've never gone that long without feeding her. I think I had 3 meals worth of milk ready for her. After I fed her I still had to pump just to feel comfortable again and still pulled out 6 more ounces. Holy have some milk batman! Anyway, for getting so much sleep she sure was grumpy this morning. By 9:50 she was asleep in my arms and by 10 she was back in bed for a nap

I think I owe all the credit to fruit mix rice cereal. Two nights ago I switched to the fruit mix to see if she'd eat more than the plain stuff. Needless to say she HATED it! She made some of the funnest faces and she spit every bite back out. There was rice cereal everywhere. That night she slept from 10-6:45. Then last night we did half fruit mix with half plain rice cereal so it wouldn't be quite so strong and she still hated it. She gagged and coughed and shuttered until she, the Bumbo, the counter, and my hands were covered in it. I doubt if she actually swallowed more than a spoonful or two. Then she slept from 10pm until 8:15am! Hallelujah! Nick thinks it's her way of saying she hates the fruit flavored rice cereal so much that she has to sleep off the torture and prove she'll be good so she won't have to eat anymore!

On a sadder note. Because she was making so many funny faces and growling at me with every bite, I decided to pull out the camera and record it. About two minutes in the camera beeped at me so I looked to see what was wrong and it said the memory was full. Later I went to watch what I got on camera and all but 4 of my videos are no longer on the memory stick. Luckily they're the first 4 recordings of her when she was super tiny at two months old, but they weren't the first 4 recordings on the camera which seems really strange to me. I pull out the video camera at least twice a month and record a few minutes of something fun she's doing or a new milestone in her life, and all of those moments are now gone. Please tell me someone knows how to get those videos back??? Nick tried, but he thinks they're gone for good. I'm really hoping he's wrong.


AN Petersen said...

Yay for sleeping through the night!!! Hopefully it sticks. And the more babies sleep, the more they will need to sleep. It says that in my sleeping book, and it definelty is what happened with Matthew. Plus she might be going through a growth spurt.
Funny about the cereal and i agree with nick. ha ha.
And im sorry about the videos. You might have accidently recorded over them without knowing it. That stinks.

Tannie Datwyler said...

Holy COW Sara, I am so sorry about those videos.

That cereal story makes me laugh. :) Don't be afraid to take a step back in the eating department, she's little and if she really hates it you don't need to push it. Seems like she doesn't need it either if she's sleeping through the night without it! Of course, do whatever YOU know is right - you are the mama.

So great to hear that she's sleeping so well.