Monday, December 22, 2014

First Day of Snow

We took advantage of the first day it snowed and it's a good thing too. It wasn't long before it was all gone and we haven't seen any since. It's three days before Christmas and there isn't a patch of snow anywhere on the valley floor. It's very strange. But of course I'm not complaining. I know it sets us up for a dry Summer, but I'm loving this absence of snow! I get the most homesick around Christmastime, and this drought is helping me feel more at home!

Anyway... Shasta loved playing in the snow. I sent her out alone because I wasn't in the mood to be out in the cold and I was short on time before I had to go to school. Instead, Shelby and I watched from the window. Definitely the best place to enjoy snow. Occasionally we would crack open the window to chat, but it would get cold in a hurry so those sessions were short. She played for maybe 20 minutes before she came back in the house, but she loved it. She keeps asking me when more snow will come and she keeps telling me it can't be Christmas without snow. Of course I keep trying to convince her that snow's trouble and life is so much better without it, but I'm not sure she's convinced.

I also think it's time to get her new snow bibs. The ones she's wearing are hers from last year so they're a size too small. Although, I guess if the snow never comes then I don't need to worry about it. Fingers crossed!

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