Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve Movie Night Tradition

Our Christmas Eve tradition is now officially a tradition. This year marked our second time doing it!
The girls opened their Christmas Eve jammies. I thought it was so funny that at the exact moment I snapped a picture, Shelby adjusted her gift and blocked herself out. If she was turned sideways we probably wouldn't even know she was there!

Then the girls opened the mystery present. Of course it contained a movie and movie treats. The movie this year was the animated version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. And as it turns out, the movie is only about 20 minutes long so after it was over we turned on Muppets Christmas Carol on Netflix because it was too early to go to bed and it was the best chance we had at the house remaining in tact for the night.

The girls looked so darn cute in their owl jammies. Wedge's jammies are the same as last year. I figure since he only wears them once a year it would be pretty silly to buy him something new every time. And sadly, we forgot to wrap his so he just had to suffer wearing it without the treat of getting to open it first.
It may not seem like it from the pictures, but Shasta was actually really sick all day with cold/flu symptoms. She had a minor cough and a fever. She randomly fell asleep off and on all day long. She put on a pretty good face for pictures and presents and she even lasted through the first movie. But once the second one got going it wasn't long before she was out. She woke up when the movie ended and found herself hovered over the toilet puking. Thankfully she only puked the one time. She ate plenty of candy and hardly touched her pizza so I think that was the reason, but who knows. But even with a sick child we still had fun.

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