Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Random Phone Pictures

I have some random pictures on my phone that I can't really make into their own posts, but I still wanted to include them in my blog. So this post is just a compilation of those pictures.
I made these Christmas gifts for the sisters that I visit teach. They're rice bags that you heat in the microwave or stick in the freezer. One is rectangular and the other is an eye mask.
Shasta and I made Christmas cards for the VA hospital in Salt Lake. A friend was going and asked if we would like to make some cards to send with her so we did.
Obviously I did some of them, but the ones Shasta did all on her own or helped with I didn't change anything she did. And I wrote little messages inside from her perspective.
I let her push a grocery cart with the understanding that if she started touching things with her hands instead of just looking with her eyes, then we would switch it for a big cart and she'd have to ride in it. She did AWESOME with not trying to put anything into the cart other than what I handed her or let her pick off the shelves. But eventually she got tired of pushing it and then I got stuck doing it. Good thing I'm short!
Shasta hates swinging. Every time we go to the park she asks to swing and as soon as I give her that first push she starts begging to get out.
One morning I woke up to this surprise. Nick randomly decided to give me the movie Pitch Perfect with a note that says "Happy Hump Day. Woot Woot!" I once saw a commercial about a camel walking through an office asking all the workers if they knew what day it was. Finally, one of them begrudgingly asked what day it was and the camel said "hump day, woot woot!" I thought it was hilarious and later looked it up on YouTube for Nick to see. I guess that's one (of the many) nice thing(s) about not having any tv channels is we don't see commercials repeatedly so they don't lose their appeal.
Have you ever seen a better view? One of the many reasons why I love Cache Valley.
Proof that I have a scrapbook called Fecal Matters.
Wedge fell asleep like this whining for a toy that went under the dresser.
I made this cute little Nativity at our ward Super Saturday.
And it worked so perfectly with this "Behold Him" block set that Kaleena made for me.
I smashed my pinky between my car door and Nick's car. Bizarre right? I swung my car door open and it flew open faster and harder than I was prepared for so I quickly grabbed it so it wouldn't hit Nick's car and caught my finger between the two. It hurt so bad I literally cried. And it bruised instantly, but the bruise was gone by the next day.
I decided to make a "Be A Better Mom" wall. All are quotes I came up with to help remind me to try harder to be a better mom. My favorite quote is "Be the mom you always dreamed of being". And then maybe a week or two later Nick decided to stick a tv right in front of it and blocked half the sayings. And as luck would have it, my favorite ones are at the bottom because that's where my eye is naturally drawn to since I'm short! Good times. This picture isn't the completed version. I added a few more to square it up a little better, but as I said, there's now a tv in the way so I can't take a picture of the finished product.
It's become a new tradition for me and my visiting teaching partner to 'heart attack' the doors of the sisters we visit and leave some treats for Valentine's Day.
This is my favorite typo text between my sister Lacey and me. She sent me a recipe with the most hilarious side note that I couldn't pass up the opportunity to play off of it!
Shasta asked if her baby could be buckled into Shelby's car seat since Shelby wasn't with us.
Shasta and I like to play a game called "What's Missing". We pick 5 small, random toys, line them up and then one person closes their eyes while the other takes a toy away and hides it behind their back. Then the person opens their eyes and guesses which toy is missing. One day she dumped a handful of hair ties on the table, told me to close my eyes, then asked me to guess which one was missing. Uh...!
I couldn't figure out where some of my socks disappeared to. Then I discovered Shasta had neatly stuffed two pairs inside one set.
The cake Nick made me for my birthday.

I had to give a presentation in Sign Language on whatever subject I wanted. I decided to teach my college peers about shapes. I made them sit on the floor and told them they were now three years olds and welcomed them to Preschool. It was the first presentation I felt comfortable doing because it was a topic I could relate to since my major focuses on age 0-3.

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