After the girls went to bed on Christmas Eve, Nick and I finished watching a movie we had started while they were napping, but couldn't watch while they were awake (not because it was bad, but because it had some violence that I didn't want them exposed to). We had plenty to do, but I wanted to make sure they were sound asleep before we started preparing for Santa's arrival and we had to return the movie in the morning before we headed out of town. Then it was off to work getting everything set up.
Santa stuffed the stockings and left a present for everyone even though we once again forgot to leave him cookies and milk!Our Christmas village is a little sad. One of these days I'm going to convince my parents to let me take some of theirs since they have more than they need or set up. But I haven't been successful with that the last nine Christmases so I'm thinking it won't happen any time soon.
Santa also brought the girls a car rug since they have a million hot wheels cars.I swear Nick buys them a new one once a month!
All the presents under the tree.
Of course Christmas morning I forgot to take pictures during all the action so I just snapped a few at the end. Shasta was so sweet opening her gifts. She was so appreciative of everything she got. I don't even know if she had a favorite because she was so thankful for each thing.
And Shelby was so funny. She grunted with every pull and tear like opening presents was the hardest work she had ever done. She even growled at one point when she couldn't find the right place to get the paper started.
Shasta with her load.
And Shelby with hers.
And I have to share. Nick gave me the funnest present in my stocking. When I pulled it out I had no idea what I was holding so I asked him what it was. He asked me what it looked like and I said, "I don't know, a turd?" In which he told me it was an oyster and I still felt clueless so he asked me what oysters were known for. After it clicked, I felt pretty excited to crack it open and see what was inside. And when we did it had a special surprise. TWO pearls! What a fun surprise!