Monday, September 17, 2012

Shasta Loves Shoes

Shasta LOVES putting things on her feet and lately those things are mine and Nick's shoes and socks! The other day I followed her around from the time she woke up until she went down for her first nap (9am-11:30am) and in that time she put 9 different things on her feet without being prompted!

 For once she got it on the right foot. Usually she puts flipflops on the wrong feet with the strap hooked to her baby toe!

 I was doing laundry while she put all these shoes on. Then we sat on the bed while I matched up socks and she decided to try on as many as she could!

 I know that my doing laundry is what caused her to try on so many shoes in such a short time (closet doors open and easy access to shoes), but she really does love putting shoes and socks on. She especially loves flipflops because they snap when she walks and makes fun noises on the floor. Although it turns my closet upside down and makes a mess downstairs, I love watching her walk around in different shoes and socks. She's currently wearing two different socks. I'd take a picture, but the memory stick is in my computer so you'll just have to imagine it's cuteness.

But to prove that she is always putting things on her feet, here's a picture from earlier today. Nick's sock and my shoe. (You know it's a different day because she's in a different outfit)!! Oh, and here's another fun fact. Sometimes when I have socks without mates I'll leave them in the laundry basket and set it next to the bed so that's where she gets some of her socks. But most of the time she pulls them from the dirty laundry! Hahaha!

1 comment:

Tannie Datwyler said...

I LOVE this!! Deirdre is totally obsessed with shoes. She'll put on ANYONE'S shoes if she can. But, she's not gotten into the sock thing (probably because she can't find them). I think that Deirdre and Shasta would be best friends if they lived closer. :)