Sunday, April 8, 2012

Shasta's 11 Months!

(Pictures are lame this month. School has been consuming my life. I didn't even get comparison pictures with her cow Bree). Here are some new things she started doing in the last month:

Loves to play Pat-A-Cake.

Claps her hands.

Learned how to give a high five. Also thinks doing "hungry chicken" in place of a high five is super funny!

Got a sinus infection.

Started needing lotion. When I took her in for her sinus infection we had to see the on-call doctor. He seemed to think her skin was really dry and that I should basically cake her grease to get rid of it. Occasionally she gets dry places, but I've never felt like it was as bad as this on-call doctor made it seem. He made me feel like I've neglected my child for not putting lotion on her regularly. Nick and I feel like if you put lotion on daily your body will become dependent of it. The nurses in the NICU never put lotion on Shasta and never talked about lotioning her so it wasn't something I ever thought about. After a visit with this other doctor, it made me thankful to have Shasta's doctor who makes me feel like I'm a good mom and NEVER gives me that "are you kidding me" look that this other doctor gave me.

Went on an Easter Egg hunt.

Loves to sing.

Is becoming quite the talker. She gabs and gabs all the time. I love it!

She's getting much better with play-doh. Her first instinct isn't to put it straight in her mouth anymore. She mostly likes to pull it apart and throw the pieces on the floor and I'm okay with that.

She pushes her arms through her sleeves and tries to help pull her shirt over her head.

Loves to dance. I'll hold her and dance with her to my ipod and she thinks it's so fun. She loves to spin in circles and be dipped. She gets so excited about it that she bounces in my arms and kind of kicks her legs in excitement.

Started using a spill proof cup. She loves to alternate between taking a bite for herself and sharing a bite with Wedge. It's cute right now, but I feel it'll be a battle when she's older and doesn't want to eat her dinner!

She'll eat anything I feed her. Sometimes she decides things taste funny and makes sour faces, but for the most part she's an amazing eater. She went through a stage where she spit everything back out that I put in her mouth, but that only lasted about a week. Her favorite foods are: potatoes in any form, chicken, green beans, cantaloupe, and gold fish. And if Mom's eating, she thinks she needs to be eating too!

1 comment:

Team Reid said...

I can't believe she's almost 1! The first year goes by way too fast, but it's so much fun!