Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wedge's favorite game!

I realize 99% of my posts have to do with Wedge, but he gives me so much to talk about! Every time Wedge gets a drink he thinks it's fun to come pounce me and start licking my face. The reason why it's important to understand that he gets a drink before doing this is because his mouth is extra slobbery, his chin is dripping wet, and his ears are soaked. I don't know how he knows, but he literally does this EVERY time! Sometimes I think he gets a drink just to soak my face. It's like he uses my face as a wash cloth to dry his. He may not show it on the outside, but I swear he's laughing at his silly joke on the inside. His tail wags like crazy like he's thinking, "Haha, I got you good this time. Sucka!" He makes me giggle! He's the best puppy and my life is so much brighter with my two favorite boys!

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