Thursday, October 16, 2014

Random Phone Pictures

I've been trying not to post pictures of my kids to Facebook and save them for posts on my blog instead, but doing this means one big post of random pictures because each picture isn't worthy of its own post. I guess it's basically the same idea as if I had posted them to Facebook with a caption only you get to read them all at once instead of at random when they get posted.
We love cuddling on the couch together. These girls are my happy thoughts!

One night Shelby decided she needed to hold my hand while she was sitting in my lap. I couldn't resist taking a picture. It was just so precious!

I found this gem on my phone. Shasta's first selfie!

Lasagna is a big hit at our house. Shelby ate every bite and then asked for more.

I just can't resist that sauce covered face. It's hard to tell, but her hands are just as bad!

I know we aren't supposed to take pictures at church, but there's just something about little girls laying on their tummies coloring that tickles my insides. Even with Shelby's diaper hanging out... perhaps that adds to the cuteness!

Oh yes, and the legs bent in the air is definitely a cuteness factor. I love it!

We had our first experience with Shasta cutting her own hair. Thankfully it was just this little chunk in front that now just looks like whooshy bangs. I take full responsibility for her deciding to cut her own hair. Ever since the age of two I've allowed her to use scissors by herself. I taught her how to use them and coached her on what is appropriate to cut. I've pounded it in her head that we only cut paper and we've never had an incident where she's tried to cut anything else. For the last year and a half she's had access to scissors, mostly supervised. It started out with me sitting right next to her watching her every move, but as she's gotten better at using them and more responsible, I've lightened up on my hovering over her as she uses them.

Well, for probably two weeks straight the girls have been eating Otter Pops and Shasta's been in charge of cutting them open and then trimming them down as they eat them; for both hers and Shelby's. During this time I noticed Shasta kept holding the scissors up by her hair during the down time when she was waiting for the next opportunity to trim down the Otter Pops. She never had the idea in her head to cut her hair, she was just being careless about holding them. Occasionally the scissors would be pulled open a little bit and it was really making me nervous that she would unintentionally cut her hair. Whenever I noticed I would tell her to put the scissors down and stop holding them up the way she was. I was really careful not to say anything about accidentally cutting her hair, but she kept absentmindedly doing it. I felt like I needed to give her a reason for why I didn't want her to hold the scissors that way so I told her she couldn't do it because she could accidentally cut her hair.

The very next day I noticed that her hair was cut. When I asked her about it she told me that she wanted to see if the scissors really could cut her hair. It really was me that put the idea in her head. I take full responsibility for it and although she didn't get in trouble for cutting her hair, we had a very long conversation about it and I feel pretty confident that she won't do it again. Her scissor privileges have currently been taken away, but she'll get them back eventually...!

Shasta was so excited to get to wear headphones in the car. We drove to Bountiful for Conference weekend and wanted to listen to conference on the radio while we drove so for the very first time Shasta got to try out the headphones. She thought she was pretty cool!

I saw a tutorial on Facebook that used strips of paper towels to make curly hair. It looked easy enough so I decided to give it a try. While I wouldn't recommend paper towels (at least for a three year old) because they kept breaking while she was actively playing (so I can only imagine how they would hold up while sleeping), they worked pretty darn well. I decided to try it in the morning with the intention of taking them out after her nap, but while she was supposed to be napping she decided to take all the paper towels out. This is what it looked like after she slept on it without paper towels in her hair! It was pretty easy to roll her hair so I'm pretty sure I'll be doing this again, but I think I'm going to cut up an old shirt into strips and use that instead of paper towels. Next time I do it I want to have her sleep on it and the shirts will hold up better than the paper towels.

I'm super excited about this! Shasta LOVES using my makeup brushes while I'm getting ready. Last year I tried to find fake makeup for her for Christmas, but all I could find was play makeup. I didn't want her to actually be able to paint her face, just pretend, so I didn't get her any. This year I decided to get creative. I cleaned out some old makeup that I don't use and filled it in with nail polish. Which by the way, I only own 8 bottles of nail polish: red, hot pink, black, silver, clear, and three shades of brown... not very exciting. But I'm trying to do Christmas this year on an extra thrifty budget so I decided to just use what I have and not go buy other colors. A friend assured me that Shasta won't be upset about the colors! I found a package of makeup brushes at the dollar store that are similar to the kind that I use too. So basically I made Shasta a really fun stocking stuffer that I know she's going to love and it only cost me a dollar (for the brushes)! Woot woot! And I've decided to do some for Shelby too since she loves doing whatever Shasta does. I'm so excited for Christmas!

Shelby loved swinging on a big kid swing. She seriously needs to stop growing. I can't believe she's already 18 months. It's not fair!

At the same park there were two little stools underneath the jungle gym that Shasta really took to. She kept telling me, "mom, let's go sit down so we can talk about things". So we would go sit down and she would lead the discussion. She's so fun!

At 7 in the morning Wedge isn't exactly up for having his picture taken. But I just love his fluffy ears. Also, is it just me or does it look like his eyes are looking in two different directions?

I paid a visit to Shasta's Salon. Last year for Christmas we got her a salon kit with a blow dryer, hair scissors (which I was really nervous about because I was afraid it was going to give her the idea to cut her hair with real scissors), and a curling iron. She spent a good hour cutting and styling my hair... partly because I kept telling her she wasn't done yet or that she missed a spot! Once she was done I went and looked in the mirror to see her work and this was the result. Not bad. Not my style, but not bad! Maybe if I didn't have a ridiculous hairline I could get away with a side part so far over, but since I do I guess I'll pass. Also, does my hair look red?

These are a few of my favorite things! Shelby, dolls, and books! She always brings me books to read her when I sit down on the floor. And lately she's really taken to baby dolls. I love it! Is there anything cuter than seeing a child tend a doll and mimic the things she's watched her mom do? I'd say it's the sincerest form of flattery!

Shasta has a new obsession with sitting down and saying, "Let's talk about things". This time her conversation was with Shelby. Apparently Shelby did something Shasta didn't agree with so Shasta needed to coach her on better choices she can make. "Shelby, let's talk about things." I know she's picked this up from me, but I don't think I've ever actually used that phrase. I tell her all the time that I need to talk to her, but I don't think I've used those exact words... and she uses those exact words every time. I guess I need to pay more attention to what I say the next time I need to talk to her.

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