Saturday, October 4, 2014


Nick had a pleasant surprise when he went into work one day and learned he had won free tickets to Lagoon from a contest he didn't know he entered! Apparently his lead at work entered all the employees on his shift into the drawing the company was doing and Nick was fortunate enough to be the winner! Yay!

We ended up going on Conference Saturday because that was the most realistic day for us to go. We were already going to Bountiful for the weekend to watch General Conference at Nick's parents house (something we always do because we don't have any tv channels and I hate listening to it on the radio or trying to stream it) so we decided it would be best to go then so we wouldn't have to make another trip for Lagoon. 

We listened to the first session in the car and caught the tail end of it at his parents house. Once it was over, we loaded up the girls and headed to Lagoon. We stayed until about 4:30pm before we headed back to Nick's parent's house so he could go to Priesthood Session with his dad. Then after he got back, we put the girls to bed and went back to Lagoon just the two of us for a couple more hours without kids. Really, we only missed one session of conference so I'd say that's pretty good! 

I have to say that I was a little disappointed with Lagoon... sort of in a way that I wondered why anyone with kids was attracted to the park at all. Almost all of the kid rides are just that... kid rides... meaning adults can't go on the rides with their children. We did a lot of standing in line and the prize at the end was to put my children on a ride and then watch from outside the gate while the ride went for a minute and a half (at best) and then it was on to the next line. I don't expect kid rides to be anything spectacular, but I at least expect to go on rides WITH my kids. Shelby was barely 18 months. It was super hard for me to put her on a ride and walk away. And although the girls had the time of their lives, I had a much different vision of how our family day at Lagoon would be.

I just loaded all of the pictures so I could get this event posted which means some of them are turned the wrong way. But I also figure the chances anyone will even see this post is probably pretty slim so I'm not too worried about it. But just in case I figured I should put this disclaimer in here.

I love these next few pictures of Shasta and Nick waiting in line. If only she understood that she'll spend most of her life standing in lines and it doesn't get any easier or better. My favorite thing that she always says is, "it's hard to wait". Yes sweetie, I know. I think it's hard sometimes too.

I couldn't stop laughing on this ride. It was one of those that brings you to the top and then drops you straight down. Then back to the top you go and you fall straight down again. Shasta's reactions were priceless. She would start talking to me and then the ride would drop and she would gasp. Then she'd start talking to me again like nothing happened, the ride would drop and she'd gasp. Over and over. I was laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I could have gone on this ride with her a hundred times and never got sick of her reaction!

I love this face! Shelby has the best laughing face!

I had to include this picture because I thought it was so funny. I asked Nick to try to take a picture of all of us and as soon as he snapped it I asked if he was blocking Shelby. Sure enough, his big head was right in the way!

Overall, I was really impressed with how brave Shasta and Shelby were. I know none of the rides Shelby went on were scary, but I didn't know how she'd do with being put on a ride and watching me walk away. She never cried for me or Nick once. And Shasta was the bravest I've ever seen her. She had no problem going on any of the rides. The ride that took us high into the sky and dropped us straight down, she never once screamed or cried. She loved every minute of the rides. She didn't love standing in line so much and after her first two rides she asked if we could go back to Grandma and Grandpa's, but she definitely had a lot of fun. It was a good day. And being free made it that much better!

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