Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Shelby's 5 Months

I waited to blog about Shelby being 5 months until we got her studio pictures back and then time got away from me and now I'm playing catch up.

We took Shelby to have her Blessing pictures taken professionally. We were only a month late getting them done, but who's keeping track?! But they turned out super cute and I was really happy with our session. It was a nice change from when we had Shasta's taken and I swore I'd never go back to them again. But I took a chance and we had a much different experience!

 Can we all just agree that she's adorable? I mean, seriously. I could nibble on her all day long!

Some new things this last month:

*Had her first studio photo shoot (obviously), but also had a second shoot (those photos to come)
*She still hates tummy time, but she's getting better. She's rolled from tummy to back a few times
*Has officially outgrown newborn clothes
*Hates being left alone in a room. She cries every time we walk away
*Has the sweetest, most contagious little laugh
*Goes down for the night at 7pm and wants to eat again anywhere from 3am to 6am
*Takes two naps a day. The first one is from 10am-noon and the 2nd is from 2pm to sometime between 4&5pm 
*Wakes up during the night up to 4 times wanting a pacifier
*Lifts her bum off the ground when I'm trying to put a diaper on her
*LOVES taking a bath
*Had her hair trimmed. I cut her Alfalfa tail off to even out her hair
In about 3 seconds!
Old man hair; nothing beats a sleeping baby!
Has discovered her toes. Also, check out those tiny little rolls that she's starting to get!!!
Can't sleep without being swaddled
Has gotten SUPER wiggly and makes it nearly impossible to polish her toes
Cuddling with daddy
Has an amazing big sister that loves to help take care of her
I'm determined to 'help' her like dolls!
No, but really, I LOVE dolls and as much as I love watching Shasta play with them I think it'll be even cuter to watch Shasta and Shelby play with them together!
She's always the first one ready for church
Car seat growth picture
So tiny! And yet she's gotten so big.
I just want her to stay little. The newborn stage should last for a year and then they can start growing. Or at least the first year should be spread out over two so that all of their changes don't happen quite so quickly. I truly love my tiny babies and although every new milestone and change is SO fun, I know how quickly they grow and it's hard to soak up every moment. Let's just slow down and take a deep breath.

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