Monday, August 12, 2013

Shastaisms Season 1: Episode 2

Shasta really says some funny things lately. Sorry if this gets old to anyone else, but this is my way of "journaling" them.

The first morning of swim lessons she kept saying "swimming poop"... I think in place of swimming suit, but I'm not really sure.

One night we sang I Love to See the Temple before bed and afterwards I asked her if she wanted to go to the Temple. She said "Yes. And Meili go to the temple too!"

While flipping through a Sleeping Beauty book with older style drawings she said, "Jesus loves me" as she turned each page as if she was reading the story.

After peeing on the floor she told me, "I want timeout, I can't listen".

A few times during swim lessons she got tired of being told what to do or scared from being dunked and has said, "I want lead me, guide me, walk beside me". Meaning, she wanted me to sing "I am a Child of God" to her.

When she wants to brush her teeth she says, "I want brush my toothbrush".

While sitting in timeout after peeing on the floor I was asking her where she's supposed to go potty. After several responses that made no sense she said, "Because, I just paid Meili to go potty"!

One night while saying her bedtime prayers she said, "Bless dinner. And mommy's dinner. And daddy's dinner. And hotdog." The funny thing is we didn't have hotdogs for dinner.

Lately she's been calling me a silly goose, but sometimes she leaves off the silly and just calls me goose!

I rarely give Shelby a pacifier, but one day I needed to get some stuff done and she just wanted to be held. I put her on the floor and tried giving her the pacifier and she wouldn't take it. I told her, "Okay Shelby, if you're not going to take it you can't sit and fuss because I need to get some stuff done." Of course she started fussing as soon as I walked away and Shasta started yelling, "SHELBY, NO FUSSING. MOM SAID. SHELBY!!! I'M TRYING TO LISTEN"! What she meant by "I'm trying to listen" was she's trying to obey. We didn't have the tv or music on that she was trying to hear.

When she sneezes and I say bless you she says, "You bless you me?" Meaning, "You said bless you to me?"

She still nurses all her dolls and stuffed animals. When I ask her what she's doing she says, "I just feedin' bunny" or whoever she's holding.

When I was nursing Shelby, Shasta said she wanted some and came at me with her mouth wide open.Talk about sudden panic! Luckily she couldn't get to me with Shelby in the way. Seeing all those teeth coming at me sure made me nervous though!

She has a few random phrases that she's been throwing onto the end of sentences.

One day Shasta brought this toy to me and said, "Look mom, he's signing dad"!

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