Friday, November 21, 2014

Bucket List #55: Find out what's eating Gilbert Grape

This past August Nick and I started doing an at-home-date-night every Friday night. It's not very easy to come up with new and unique things to do at home, but I imagine it would be the same if we did an out of home date every week. The nice thing is we made a bucket list last year and there are a few things we can check off without spending any money or leaving the comfort of our own home. Tonight we took the opportunity to find out what's been eating Gilbert Grape by watching the movie "What's Eating Gilbert Grape". Clever eh?!

Nick and I neither one had seen the movie before which is why it made the bucket list. And now that we have seen it we both feel it's not one we ever need to watch again. It's kind of a downer. But hey, we got to have a date and check something off our bucket list at the same time so we can't complain. 

These are all the attempts we made trying to take a picture of ourselves with the movie in the background. They all tie for last place so I couldn't decide which one to keep. That's why they all made the cut. Good logic, right?!

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