Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Lewis Family Reunion

We had a reunion with Nick's mom's immediate side of the family. They do a weekend reunion every summer and this year it was right here in Cache Valley. It was kind of nice not having to drive to a far off location and getting to sleep in our own beds.

Friday evening we met at Susan's house in Mendon (Raylene's sister) and had a "weenie roast". There was really yummy food, a trampoline, an above ground swimming pool, horseback riding, and a talent show. Then to finish off the night they lit a fire (in the fire pit) and roasted marshmallows for s'mores.

Shasta had so much fun following Meili around all night. She wanted to be wherever Meili was and she definitely didn't want to go home before Meili did. We finally left at roughly 9:45pm and it was a little after 10 before we got home. Shasta stayed awake and sang songs the whole car ride home. I thought for sure she'd fall asleep right away, but no. Since she was awake when we got home I gave her a bath because she was covered in dirt. It was 10:30 before she got to bed.

The next morning we were supposed to be to Willow Park at 8:30 for breakfast. I had to wake Shasta up so we could get ready and she was so confused. It took her a long time to wake up and she didn't understand why she was being pulled out of her comfy bed. It was 9am by the time we got to the park.

After breakfast a bunch of games were set up for the kids to play. They were each given a check off card and each time they completed a game they got to put a sticker on their card and get a piece of candy. Once their card was completely filled up they got a prize.

Shasta didn't care much about playing the games as long as she got to be with Meili. Nick felt like she needed to play the games the right way before she could get a sticker, but most of them were over her head so I said as long as she attempted them... even if it was completely wrong from the actual objective, then she could still get a sticker. She's only 2 after all and the games were set up to accommodate kids up to the age of 10 or so. Nick wasn't completely on board with that, but it seemed silly to fight with her to play a game when she was having fun just being with her cousins. Plus, everyone there was family. I'm pretty sure they weren't going to chastise us for doing it wrong!!!

First they did some relay races. This one they had to pass wet sponges over their heads and between their legs to the person behind them. PS. Nick dressed himself! All protests from me aside, he thinks he matches!
Next was water balloon toss... or "it's my turn to hold the water balloon".
An actual relay was set up. Here they had to jump over all the hurtles.
This is Meili "throwing" her javelin through the target.
Running through the tires.
Frisbee toss tic tac toe.
Magnetic fishing.
Marshmallow shooting.
Knocking over the ping pong balls with a water gun.
Or just shooting daddy...!
There were a lot of fun games set up. There's even a few that we didn't get pictures of. Once we were done with the games it was time for lunch and then we were dismissed for free time.
During free time we took Shasta, Shelby, and 4 of their cousins (and their mom's) to Willow Park Zoo. In which Shasta insisted on holding hands the whole time or being carried (sorry Kaleena)!
Holding hands with Meili
Holding hands with Gigi
After free time was over we met at the park in Mendon down below the cemetery for dinner and a fun game of bingo. Nick bought 5 bingo cards and ended up having to play them by himself because I had to nurse Shelby.

Here's a fun side story (or tmi really). During free time after we finished up at the zoo, I went shopping with Nick's mom for some fabric for Shelby's baby blessing dress. Nick gave Shelby a fortified bottle and because I was gone I didn't get the chance to pump. By the time I nursed Shelby I was super full and hurting so I made her nurse on both sides. I knew after the one side she had gotten more than enough, but I was desperate for some relief so I put her on the other side anyway. While still latched, she puked ALL OVER ME like an endless milk fountain. I quickly moved her away and pulled the blanket off of us to try to catch some of the milk. Then when I thought she was done she puked a second round all over the both of us. And this time because she was pulled away from me it went all over my shorts so it looked like I wet myself! I guess it's a good thing we haven't reached a point where we can nurse in public (because she still struggles to latch on her own and it's too hard to help her under a nursing cover) otherwise Nick's family probably would have seen more of me than they bargained for. The downside is I was nursing her in the car and you can bet the seat got spit up on it! And it worked out for Shelby that I had a change of clothes packed for her and an extra blanket, but I still had to wear my soaking wet clothes for the rest of the night.

In the end, Nick won us some fun bingo prizes! Once all the prizes were won the party was over and it was time to go. As people were packing up to leave they opened up the mic for anyone to share their favorite stories of Grandpa Lewis (who passed away 9ish years ago. I wasn't part of the family when he died so I'm not completely sure how long it's been). They were planning on doing it during dinner, but forgot so they threw it in at the end. It was fun to learn some silly stories about Nick's grandpa, but I had a splitting headache and was still soaking wet from Shelby so we didn't stick around to hear all of them.
I'm pretty proud of this picture!
The reunion was a lot of fun and we're looking forward to next year!

More On Shasta

Here are some more fun things Shasta says and does:

She points her finger at me and says, "you are so busted". She learned this from the tv show Phineas and Ferb.

Every single time she prays... before naps, before bed, before meals, randomly... she always starts with, "Heavenly Father, bless Shelby Belly. Bless dreams...."

She's started looking around the room and naming everything she sees during her prayers. Some of my favorites have been, "Thank you for toes and mommy's toes, Shelby's blanket, stories, songs, flowers (her hair clips hang on the wall in her room), bed and Shelby's bed, and my all time favorite is when she starts spouting off all the signs she knows while signing them!

She spilled her cup of Fishies and in an annoyed tone said, "awesome". Of course I started laughing because that is always my reaction when I'm annoyed by something and because I was laughing she started saying it over and over.

She calls lunch "munch".

I'll stand Shelby on my lap and say, "Look at you, so big standing up"! Now Shasta says that EXACT thing to her babies while standing them on her lap!

Whenever she thinks she's doing something funny she says, "I funny" or "look at me, mom. I silly"!

Lately while I'm exercising she tries to copy what I'm doing. She does some pretty cute jumping jacks! And when she wants me to do crunches she tells me to "sit on the floor and do this" and puts her hands behind her head to show me how to do crunches.

A few Sundays ago she started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star during Sacrament Meeting. The next thing I knew, the 2 year old little boy behind us started singing with her.

The next Sunday after that display she made up a song during Sacrament Meeting about love. She would sing "I really love my..." and say things like mommy and daddy and shoes and whatever she was looking at. When our Bishop stood to close the meeting he said to the congregation, "and thanks to Shasta we are all feeling the love in this room"! I didn't think she was being that loud, but we were sitting on the opposite side of the room from where the Bishopric sits so he couldn't see us, and we were in the second to last row so pretty much the exact opposite corner from where he was sitting.

We eat oatmeal and toast almost every morning for breakfast. I always eat my oatmeal by spreading a bite's worth on my toast, taking a bite and then spreading on some more. One day I noticed Shasta trying to do the same thing! She isn't as coordinated so over time she's learned it's just easier to dip her toast into her oatmeal and scoop some up. The funny thing is I've eaten oatmeal this way for as long as I can remember so I don't even notice I'm doing it. And I'm willing to bet it's something I've learned from my mom and now Shasta's learned it from me!

This past Sunday I was sustained for a new calling in Sacrament Meeting. I stood when my name was read and Shasta started saying very loudly, "Mommy sit down. Sit down right now. Sit down on the bench."

When I curl her hair she makes me blow on it because it's hot.

She always asks me to put makeup on her while I'm getting ready. I use the brush from the blush and rub it on her cheeks and eyes and she's satisfied. Sometimes I really put blush on her cheeks, but most of the time I don't since she doesn't know the difference.

She thinks she needs to change her panties every time she goes to the bathroom.

Any time she gets even the smallest spill on her clothes she tells me they're wet and she needs to take it off. Even when she's wearing a swimming suit she thinks she needs to take it off when it gets wet. It'll be interesting to see what she does when we start swim lessons next week. Hopefully actually being submerged in water will be different than just splashing around in a kiddie pool.

I'm having a really hard time keeping her clothed. Every time I turn around she doesn't have clothes on. Sometimes it's just one article of clothing. Other times she's stark naked. It's mostly when she goes potty on her own that she doesn't put her panties back on, but there are times she'll be sitting next to me on the couch and starts pulling her shorts and panties off. I've been tempted to duct tape her shirt and pants together, but that'll make this whole potty training thing more difficult!

She likes to run from my bedroom, down the hall to the family room over and over because Wedge follows behind her and she thinks it's so funny. She giggles the whole time!

She loves holding hands with her cousins!

When she asks for something and I tell her no (like a drink before bed) she says, "I said, I want milk". And again when I tell her no she says, "I mean it".

For a while I thought she was calling me "mommy sitter" and I couldn't figure out where she got that term. Whenever someone else watches her I never tell her she's going to a babysitter, I just tell her she's going to play at someone's house. Then one day she started reciting one of her books, "I'm a Big Sister" and I realized she's been calling me "mommy sister". She also calls Shelby "Shelby sister"... but most of the time she calls her "Shelby Belly".

Saturday, July 20, 2013

4th of July

I think the 4th of July should fall on a Thursday every year! Nick went to work a couple of hours early on Wednesday afternoon, got off at 4pm, and didn't have to go back to work until the following Monday. It was so nice having him home all that time!
We started our celebration on the 3rd by going to Kaleena's house and having a BBQ with her family, Nick's parents, and Josh's brother and his wife. Then after we ate we went to the field behind our church and watched the fireworks being shot off at Romney Stadium. (Logan always celebrates on the 3rd).

Nick's mom brought glow sticks for the girls to play with. Shasta thought they were fun, but she wouldn't wear them for very long and she didn't think I should wear them either.
Then the next day Nick's grandma had a 4th of July pot luck BBQ and swimming party. It was a lot of fun. It started at 2pm and it was after 6 before we got home
 They had volleyball set up...
 And yet somehow Nick ended up playing football more.
Shasta and her favorite cousin, Meili!

Then we finished up our weekend long celebration by going to Charlie's (an ice cream shop) and watching The Cruise-in from the window. I was worried we wouldn't be the only ones with that idea, but it seemed like a normal business day. I had never been to The Cruise-in before so I wasn't really sure what to expect. I knew it was a bunch of cars cruising main street, but I expected it to be a little more like a parade. I'm a little surprised people line the streets to watch it because from what I paid attention to it seemed pretty boring! It's just a bunch of cars (old, new, unique), literally cruising main. They weren't throwing candy. There wasn't any music. They weren't driving at parade speed. It was like watching traffic drive by only we watched some of the same cars go up and down several times. Very strange. But we enjoyed our ice cream nonetheless!
Nick even got Shasta Bubblegum Ice Cream. Hope it's okay that she ate the gum like candy because there was way too much to pick out!
 And that sums up our 4th of July weekend celebrations. We had a lot of fun and got to spend a lot of time together as a family. Like I said, the 4th of July needs to fall on a Thursday every year!

Shelby's 3 Months

It seems like I just did her two month post and here I am doing her three months. I guess being behind makes a difference. Maybe now that I'm caught up this month won't seem to pass by so fast. Ha!

Shelby by the time she reached three months:
  • Finally switched to nursing full time other than her required 2 fortified bottles a day!
  • Went from a 3 hour eating schedule to a 2 hour schedule once she started nursing full time and has worked her way up to an almost 4 hour schedule
  • Still struggles with latching
  • Graduated from premie clothes
  • Found her voice and now cries (sometimes what feels like all day long)
  • Gets tears when she cries which I think has helped clear up her goopy eyes
  • Holds her head up
  • Started being awake more. Sometimes she's awake for an hour straight before going back to sleep during the day.
  • Has given tiny little smiles a few times, but not very often, and never when a camera is out! She smiles the best for Shasta!
  • Rolled from tummy to back once
  • Got a bad patch of cradle cap
  • Started getting really bad dry skin on her elbows
  • Went to the Hogle Zoo
  •  No longer needs her head supported when being carried on my shoulder
  • Hates tummy time
  • Loves having her feet rubbed
  •  Growth comparison in her rocking chair
  •  Growth comparison with her lion
  •  Doesn't quite fit into 0-3 month clothes
  •  Daddy loves taking close up pictures
  •  Loves being in the Bumbo
  •  Shasta still adores her baby sister