My baby is a year old. How did this happen? Her birthday was two weeks ago and I'm still in denial about it! She had a doctor's appointment this month and here are her stats:
Weight: 17lbs 15oz (7th %ile)
Height: 28 inches (18th %ile)
Head: I can't remember and the paper has magically disappeared. I just remember it was big... 60th percentile range.
Her doctor is very pleased with how well she is doing and how far she's come. He also told me if we wanted we could start cow's milk, but a dietitian would recommend nursing or giving her formula for two more months to account for her gestation. Her doctor said he's fine with whatever I decide, so the plan for now is to nurse her for another two months. I want to do what's best for her and I feel like nursing is just as easy as any other option, so nurse we will!
By the time Shasta turned 1:
Says: Mom, Dad, Done (but it sounds like "Da"), Ta Da, and Shasta (well, she tries anyway, it's more like Ta-tah).
Signs: Milk, Puppy, All Done (and says done along with it), and more. She's been really stubborn with signing. I'm tempted to do a "no voice" day and only sign to her to see how she responds because I know she knows more signs than she's willing to use and even the ones she uses she's stubborn about using them.
She loves feeding Wedge her snacks. One for him... |
One for her...! |
Finally fits into size 2 shoes which means I can finally find shoes for her. I've never seen a size 1 before. Do they even exist?! |
Hair fits into double piggies! Don't mind the part, it was my first attempt. |
My favorite thing about jelly shoes is you can see her cute toes from the bottom. |
She likes to watch Wedge while he's outside doing his business. |
She takes Wedge's toys any chance she gets. |
His defense is to lick her until she lets go. |
She loves teasing Wedge. Her new thing is to take
his toys as often as she can and then wave them in front of him as if
to say "come and get it"!
She and Wedge went into her room one day
and I didn't follow them. The next thing I knew she was laughing SO
HARD. Then the two of them came back out and joined me in the other
room. I have no idea what they were doing, but whatever it was it was
super funny. I'm so glad they're friends!... even if Wedge isn't so sure
about her!
She loves pulling stuff out of the diaper bag. |
She's decided to make loading and unloading the dishwasher pretty much impossible. |
Double piggies with a crisscross! |
Can you tell Nick has food?!? Shasta and Wedge both flock to wherever the food is! She LOVES to eat! |
The strange thing is she loves meat the most. She's definitely Nick's daughter. I've learned to feed her a good portion of her sides first because once she's tasted the meat she spits everything else out.
She eats chicken, hamburger in any form, pork chops, ribs, bacon, ham, steak, pepperoni, sausage, and hotdogs (which she's only tried once and just had two bites). I'm sure there's more, but that's all that comes to mind off the top of my head. Is that weird? I thought kids don't usually like meat. The only meat I can't get her to eat is lunch meat and I think it's because it's served cold.
She's been an amazing eater. The times when she's the pickiest is usually when she's not really hungry. And sometimes she'll spit things out to start with, but after trying other things and coming back to what she spit out, she'll eat it. It's almost like the initial taste was too strong and she needs something else to soften her taste buds before she wants to eat it.
I put Baby Signing Time on for her and she was glued to the TV! I never put shows on for her to watch other than Signing Time and this was the first time she paid attention. |
She's finally decided the stairs are fun to climb. She's learned how to go down on her belly, but it still makes me nervous to let her do it alone because anytime I'm behind her she turns around and falls. I know she's just distracted by me being there, but I'm too afraid to walk away! |
First time Driving the shopping cart and she LOVED it!!! And she's apparently European. |
Too bad it's her last time unless Nick's there to push the cart. Talk about steering a boat through the store! |
This is her "I think I'm being sneaky" face. Anytime she's doing something she knows she shouldn't she sticks her tongue out. |
Her new thing when she's doing something she shouldn't and I call her name and tell her not to; she stops, turns and looks at me, plasters a huge smile on her face, and while looking at me reaches back with her hand to try to still do whatever it is that she's not supposed to be doing. It cracks me up. It's hard to get mad at her when she's so silly!
I will never get over her hair! This hair style I like to call "Mushroom Hair". All that's missing is a hair clip in the shape of a gnome! |
She's finally learned to steer this thing! Okay, so she's not the best at it, but for the most part she can get herself out of corners. |
She's not walking yet, but she walks along anything that allows her something to hold onto. She's taken up to 2 steps by herself, but then chickens out and falls to her knees. And when Nick and I try to have her walk between us to each other she'll take a single step and then just dive. My goal is to have her walking by her due date (June 15th). I figure any time before then and she's ahead!
It's hard to tell because she's washed out from it being so bright outside, but she sticks her legs straight out when she rides in the stroller. |
The house starts off tidy every morning and by the end of the day it looks like this. It's amazing how someone so small can make a mess so large! Occasionally I will straighten back up during nap times, but for the most part I find it pointless. As soon as she's awake the house looks like this again. I especially love that her hands are in the air in this picture as if to say she's owning up to the mess. And then, of course, Wedge is trying to look so innocent so I know it wasn't him! |
These next pictures make me cry. I put away some of the clothes she's grown out of and decided to look at her premie clothes again. It's hard to believe that a year ago she was that tiny. If I wasn't the one who dressed her in those tiny clothes I never would have believed she actually fit in them. And to think they were big on her. Where has the last year gone? These are her current clothes compared to her premie clothes.
6-9 month sleeper and a premie sleeper |
Again. |
6-9 month onesie and a premie onesie. |
Stay tuned for her birthday/birthday party post and her 1 year photo shoot. Among those pictures will be her comparison picture with her cow, Bree. I know you were all wondering why that one wasn't in this post! It may be a few days before I get those posts up though. Spring semester ended and then 4 days later summer semester started so I didn't get much of a break to get caught up on stuff. But feel special... instead of working on homework I decided to take the time to update you on my precious little Shasta! Aww!