Sunday, February 26, 2012

Shasta's 10 Months!

Here are some fun things Shasta's doing!
  • Knows how to give kisses and she's either really stingy or really generous in sharing them.
  • Loves to dance/bounce whenever she gets excited. The best is when she does it while I'm holding her!
  • Started pulling herself up to things. It started off with low to the ground things like our banana chairs and a stepping stool, but now it's the kitchen chairs and the couches.

  • Loves to eat and will try anything. Whenever she sees me eating she heads straight for me and stares at me until I share with her. I think she's learned that from Wedge!
  • Started taking shorter naps.
  • Got another tooth. That makes a total of 6; 4 on top and 2 on bottom.
It's not very easy trying to tickle her, snap a picture, and keep her from trying to take the camera from me!

  • Thinks she needs to stand in the bathtub. It's a never ending battle every night.
  • Has decided a sippy cup isn't the worst thing in the world. If I hold it she'll guzzle it down and in the last 2 days she's started to figure out that when she holds it she also has to tip it up. (We started a sippy around 6 months and she did pretty good with it, but then decided she didn't like it anymore. Now we're finally back to her liking it and figuring it out on her own).
Don't mind that the sippy's upside down. She only lets me snap one picture before she's crawling to me to get the camera, so this is the best we got.
  • Loves to play with Wedge. She laughs and laughs when she's doing something she thinks is sneaky, like taking his toys from him!
  • She likes to follow me around.
  • Has started showing some interest in the stairs. She'll crawl over to them, but doesn't actually try to climb them. She'll just pull herself up to a standing position while holding onto the bottom step. I've tried a few times to teach her how to go up and down the stairs, but she's not interested in trying.
  • Played with Play-Doh for the first time. I left it in a ziplock bag because I knew she would try to eat it and sure enough that's all she wanted to do. Eventually, I took it out of the bag for her to hold and again it went straight for her mouth and she got frustrated with me constantly stopping her. Maybe I should just let her eat some and she'll decide she doesn't like it and won't try anymore.
  • Started using a curling iron to style her hair.
She started off sitting on the counter with her feet in the sink and eventually wormed her way into this position! Looks pretty cumfy! All I can say is it's a good thing she doesn't know how to turn on the water!
  • Ate an entire bowl of Easy Mac in one sitting. She loves it!
  • Understands the process of getting dressed by putting her arms in the sleeves or pulling her shirt down over her head to uncover her eyes.
  • Understands getting out of her carseat by moving her arms to get out of the straps.
  • Loves pulling all the shoes off the shoe shelf.
Maybe I should move her toy box so the shoes aren't a temptation on the way to the toys!

  • Not quite ready for 6-9 month sleepers. This picture is to show she crawls right out of the legs!
Notice she just got done pulling out all the shoes.
  • This girl has the longest hair on top. I think I say this every month, but seriously look at these pictures. This month the sides have really started to fill in. I also trimmed the extra long hairs around the sides for the 2nd time now since she was born!

  • Has the cutest chub. I'm sad she always has to have pants on because her chubby legs are so darn adorable. (I'm also sad to always put socks on her because I just love her cute little feet!)
I took her pants off just to get a picture of her cute legs!!!
  •  Has taken a liking to walking while holding my hands. Before she couldn't figure out the whole stepping process, but now that she's catching on she enjoys it a lot more.  

  •  Pictures of her with Bree. Posed pictures are nearly impossible to take now. I set the camera to motion pictures so it snaps like 10 with one click and cross my fingers that at least one turns out. These are as good as it gets.

    It's hard to remember if some of the things she's currently doing are new in the last month or just a continuation from the previous month. These are some of the fun things she's doing that are noteworthy, but may have been mentioned before.

    • She clicks her tongue all the time and makes frog noises in the back of her throat.
    • She tries to copy me when I make faces at her.
    • She can be so happy and smiley when we're out shopping, but the second someone approaches us she gives them a death stare as if she's saying, "that's close enough". Then once they leave she's all smiles again.
    • She gets so excited to see her dad and reaches for him when he walks in the door from work (when he comes home for dinner).
    • She wakes up at 6:30 every morning to eat, is back in bed by 7, and will usually sleep until 8 or 8:30 before she's up for the day.

    I forgot to put this picture up last month and I just love it! Nick put my galoshes on her and she thought that was the funnest thing. Seriously, look at that face! I love it! She's just the best!!!


    Sara said...

    So fun! She's getting so big! I like that you do comparison pictures with Bree each month. That's a really good idea.

    Tannie Datwyler said...

    Oh my goodness!! She is SO beautiful Sara. What a special little girl. I loved reading all her updates - she has quite the personality and is doing so well at 10 months for being born premature. Wow! Already cruising and everything.

    Kelsey Fairbanks said...

    I love that you are curling her hair already. I sit there and think about how bad of a mother i'm going to be because i'm going to paint her nails and do weird things to her hair and dress her up all crazy. Assuming one day that I have a girl of course. she is so cute! I can't believe how big she's getting!