Friday, June 26, 2015

Itty Bitty Ball

Shasta got to participate in Itty Bitty Ball this Summer. For three weeks she got to try a new sport. They played t-ball, soccer, lacrosse, basketball, and football. It was just a brief introduction to each sport, but it was fun to see her try a bunch of different things and see how she liked them... even though she was a GIANT pain about it! She is an observer through and through. She doesn't like to try new things until she's confident she can do it without messing up. And she worries about other people watching her. It took bribery to get her to participate. We told her we would get snow cones everyday that she participated and had fun. The first day she faked her fun to no end. Seriously! But it worked. She earned a snow cone every time after that. (It was only Tuesdays and Thursdays that she played.) The last day was probably the best. They did a smorgasbord of the five sports they had played and made a relay out of them (although I don't think Lacrosse was included). She got to retry each of them and had a lot of fun with it. At the end she won the award for Most Improved and got a gift card to Pizza Pie Cafe. Then everyone got a gift card to Chick Fil A for a free kids meal and Wendy's for a free frosty. That right there paid for the sign up fee, but she also got an Itty Bitty Ball shirt! It was fun, but I don't think we'll do it again. At least not for Shasta. We might let Shelby try next Summer.

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