Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Memoirs of a Potty Training Two Year Old

Day 1: So this happened. My mom said she wanted to potty train me sooner, but she needed to finish school before she committed to it. I don't know why it's such a big deal for her, I mean, I'm the one doing all the work. I swear all she does is say over and over "it's time to go potty, Shelby". Why is that so hard? While in the mean time I'm the one having to run to the potty, climb on the stool, pull my new panties down (which are super cool by the way), sit on a giant porcelain bowl, make silly faces and pretend like I know what I'm doing. Then I have to stand back up on the stool, pull my panties up, step down, move the stool to the sink, wash my hands WITH SOAP, dry them, and put a sticker on my sticker chart. Sheesh. And my mom was having commitment issues...? I'm exhausted!

Anyway... day one was pretty confusing. All my life I've worn diapers and recently I've really come to understand what diapers are for and when it's time to change them. I love those things. I got really good at getting a new one and bringing it to my mom or dad when I was ready to be changed and I almost always remembered to bring the wipes too. Then mom randomly decided to switch me into these panties, which by the way are NOTHING like diapers. First of all they're really thin. Mom keeps patting my bum and telling me how cute it looks and how big I look in my new "big girl panties" and I'm over here like, "Hello? It's the same bum regardless of what's covering it. At least a diaper is thicker and would soften the blow of her so called "pats" on my bum"! That mom; she's trouble! Another thing that makes panties COMPLETELY different from diapers is that when I pee in them IT RUNS DOWN MY LEGS, STRAIGHT TO THE FLOOR! Diapers never did that! It makes no sense why anyone would want to wear these things.

In the meantime, all day long, every 15 minutes or so, mom says "it's time to go potty Shelby". I have no idea what she wants me to do once I sit, but I get a sticker every time so I guess sitting on that giant porcelain bowl is a good thing. Sometimes she even lets me pick a prize, but not every time. I'm still trying to figure out the pattern so I can get prizes more often. By the end of the day I had 24 stickers that I placed very strategically on my chart and I didn't even get a sticker every time. I left little piddle puddles all over the floor, possibly in every single room except the bathroom! Ha! Joke's on mom! Wait a second... every time I got my panties and the floor wet, mom would tell me I need to do that on the potty. I would run to the potty and sit on it and wait for her to bring me new panties, but maybe I'm missing something here. Maybe that's what she wants me to put in the toilet; the wet stuff that comes out of me and lands on the floor. Hmmm... I'm gonna think about that some more.

The coolest part about day one was the fact that my bed was turned into a big girl bed. NO MORE CAGE! Woot Woot! At nap time I really took advantage of my new found freedom. Now I totally understand why my sister, Shasta, gets out of her bed like a hundred times every night. IT'S SO COOL! But eventually I got tired and decided to just lay down and rest. After I woke up, mom went on and on about how proud she was that my panties were still dry, but I didn't get why it was such a big deal. She gave me a sticker though so I just went with it. I don't know what the difference was between nap time and bed time, but when I went to bed that night I sure had a hard time staying in it. I guess I wasn't used to sleeping in the dark with one side of my bed missing so I fell out three times during the night. The third time I didn't even bother to cry about it, I just stayed there and slept.

Day 2: Shasta woke me up at 6:45 because I was asleep on the floor. Usually I sleep until at least 9:00 in the morning, sometimes 9:30, so this was a whole new experience. Who knew there were so many more hours in the day that could be used for playing? Not me, but I do now and I'm gonna make the most of it! The first thing mom said to me was, "let's go sit on the potty Shelby". Maybe this whole potty training thing is a bigger commitment for her than I thought because she sure remembers to say that a lot. When I sat on the potty nothing happened, but mom went on and on about me staying dry all night and she gave me another sticker. Once again, mom told me to sit on the potty every 15 minutes or so and I always do without complaint because I know I get a sticker when I do. After about the tenth time sitting there, some of that wet stuff tinkled out of me and landed in the potty. Dad was the one helping me this time and he got so excited and said, "YOU DID IT"! And then the next thing I knew, mom and Shasta ran up the stairs, came into the bathroom, and were so excited, just like dad. This time I got to put a sticker on my chart, pick a prize, and mom gave me lots of  hugs and kisses. I'm not really sure what I did to make her so proud, but I hope I do it again!

Mom and Shasta went to the store and I had to stay home with dad because of this whole potty training business. I was so sad, but mom came home with a new kind of panties. Well, she called them panties, but they felt an awful lot like diapers. I decided to take her word for it and not test them out though because I didn't want to get my feet wet. Mom put me in those new panties because we had to run errands and told me they would help me stay dry, and you know what? She was right. That mom is one smart cookie. I even took a nap in them after we got home and I stayed dry the whole time then too. When it was time for a nap I was so tired that I didn't even bother to express my freedom. I tried it once, but then decided I would rather just stay in my bed and rest. I woke up pretty cranky and cuddled on mom's lap and she told me we needed to go sit on the potty, but I didn't make it in time. The good news is I learned those pull-up panties work like diapers because this time my feet didn't get wet! I'll have to remember that the next time mom puts one of those things on me. So far it's just been the one time. She put me back in panties after that.

For the most part things went pretty smooth today. I went potty like a big girl all day long until evening came and then I started getting the floor wet again. Mom got lazy about reminding me to go every 15 minutes and I was so busy playing and having fun with my sister that I would just forget about it. It's still new to me so I'm not used to stopping what I'm doing to take a potty break. Mom made sure to tell me I couldn't have a sticker or a prize whenever I got the floor wet. Not even when I hurried and sat on the potty afterwards. She told me I could only have one when I went potty in the toilet and I guess she really meant it because that's the only time I get them now.

Oh, you know that really stinky thing I would leave in my diaper? Mom would call it a "present" when she was talking to daddy, but most of the time she used the word "poopy" whenever I needed to be changed. Anyway, it turns out that's supposed to go in the potty too. I didn't know what to do with it for basically two whole days so I just ignored any urge to push it out. But tonight while I was in the bath I couldn't help myself and started pushing. Mom quickly pulled me out of the tub and plopped me on the toilet and made me sit there while she drained and rinsed the entire bathtub. She said since only one poopy fell in the tub and like 27 landed in the toilet (remember it's been building up for the last two days), she was calling it a success and I got a sticker and prize. It's good because now I know what to do with it, but I'm struggling with sitting to get it out. I keep trying to stand and push, but mom always makes me sit back down. Doesn't she know I would always stand or squat when I used to wear a diaper? Why is this different?

Anyway, at bed time mom decided to have Shasta and me switch beds. She said Shasta's was trapped in between the wall and my bed so it would help me keep from falling out better. At first I wasn't sure about it, but in the end I decided to give it a shot. I also learned a really cool trick tonight. It turns out if I come out of my room and say "potty" I can stay out of bed a little longer. I came out and sat on it like five times in a row, but then the next three times I tried, mom marched me right back to my bed without letting me get more than a few steps down the hall. That last time she put me to bed, I cried really hard and dramatic, but she didn't give in so I just gave up and went to sleep. And guess what? Mom was right. I didn't fall out of my bed once. That mom sure knows a lot of stuff.

Day 3: Shasta woke me up at about 7:30 this morning. I was a little bummed that I slept in so late and missed out on that valuable playing time, but I feel a little more refreshed today. I got up and Shasta took me to the potty. I guess I didn't need to go because nothing came out and Shasta begged mom to let me have a sticker, but she said no. Thanks for trying sis. Today was pretty much like yesterday. A lot of sitting on the potty, a lot of successes, a lot of accidents, another try with those pull up panties while we ate out for mom's and dad's anniversary, yada yada yada. Mom even took Shasta and me to the park for a little bit and I stayed dry the whole time. At bed time I tried my trick again, but I only got away with it three times and the third time was because my panties were a little wet so mom had to change my sheets. I guess we were out of clean panties because she put one of those pull up panties on me and I slept in that.

Day 4: I'm pretty sure I've got this whole potty training thing down. I woke up and went potty in the toilet and my pull up panties were completely dry. I haven't had a single accident all day either except after dinner, but that doesn't really count since it's no longer day time. And in my defense, I tried to make it to the potty by myself, but we were downstairs and I couldn't get up on the toilet without the stool so I didn't make it in time. Mom says I'm a rock star, but I think she has me confused with Shasta. She's the one who's always singing at the top of her lungs and pretending like she's in a band. I like to sing too, but I don't think that makes me a rock star. Silly mom.

Day 5: Today started out a little rough. I slept in until 8:00 and I woke up this time because I wet the bed. Oops. Then not much later, I pooped in my panties and tried to change them all by myself before mom found out, but then Shasta stepped in it and tracked it all over the tile. Thankfully that was the worst of it. The rest of the day was smooth sailing. Mom didn't even have to remind me most of the time. I just went in and did my thing all on my own. I think I'm figuring this whole thing out.

Day 6: I keep having an accident first thing in the morning. Today it wasn't my fault though. Shasta insisted on going potty first so I could learn from her, but I couldn't hold it in long enough to wait for her to be done. But since then I've been accident free. Mom has even stopped saying, "it's time to go potty Shelby" and instead just asks me if I need to go. Sometimes it's helpful when she asks, but for the most part I tell her when I need to go now without being reminded. Also, Shasta didn't think mom was giving me enough prizes so she put together her own buckets and bags for me to pick from. I now get to choose four prizes every time I go like a big girl. One from mom and three from Shasta.

Day 7: I went to church and didn't have a single accident. I'm still not 100% yet, I have an accident about once a day, but mom's calling me potty trained. I'm really good at telling her when I need to go potty. Had I of known it was this easy, I would have suggested it to mom months ago! :)

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