Thursday, May 9, 2013

Nick's Graduation

I am ridiculously proud of Nick for graduating! He has worked so hard over the last several years to support our family and go to school. Basically for the last five years Nick has woken up, gone to school, come home, worked on homework, gone to work, gotten home around midnight, worked on more homework for an hour or two, gone to bed, and started all over the next morning. He would only be home after school for a couple of hours before he had to leave for work. Needless to say we haven't seen much of each other over the last five years between work and school schedules for the both of us.

I know how hard it's been on Nick and has quite possibly shaved a year or two off his life with how much sleep he's lost! And twice we've thrown in pregnancy, which, as hard as it is on me, it's just as hard on Nick for different reasons. Pregnancy doesn't seem to agree with my body and makes me incredibly sick. The small amount of energy I can muster up gets put towards school, so basically everything else in my life gets neglected while I'm pregnant and Nick has to pick up the slack. His responsibility with the second pregnancy was far worse than the first. Not only did he have to take care of Shasta and Me, but he also broke his hand and had surgery in the midst of everything. Then my body decided it couldn't be pregnant any longer and we had a baby 3 weeks before school got out. The hardest semester of Nick's college career and suddenly our lives spun out of control with more stress than any two people should ever have to deal with at one time. It's amazing that not only did Nick pass his classes this semester, but he passed them with B's and better!

So yes, it's taken a while for him to finish school, but for good reason. I really can't say it enough. I am SO proud of him! We may have done things the hard way, but hopefully it means we'll appreciate it more.

I sure love my Aggie!

1 comment:

Tannie Datwyler said...

Hooray for graduation!!! It is incredibly hard to be dad and provider and student at the same time... Richard knows.