Thursday, January 26, 2012

Shasta's 9 Months

Shasta had her 9 month appointment today.  I can hardly believe I have a 9 month old. We've been given the go-ahead to feed her whatever we think she can handle which is pretty exciting. Any time I say we're not going to start giving her sweets the response I get is always, "good luck". I don't know if  there's any truth behind our theory, but we don't want her to only want snacks, so our goal is to avoid candy and sugary treats for as long as possible. Right now she'll eat anything I stick in front of her so I know we can avoid it for at least a little while. We'll see how long it lasts!

Here are her stats at 9 months:

Weight: 15lbs 8oz (4th %ile)
Length: 27.75 inches (58th %ile)
Head: 17.5 inches (66th %ile)

Over the last 3 months she moved from the 5th to the 4th percentile in weight, 23rd to 58th percentile in length, and 64th to 66th percentile in head circumference. Her Hendricks genes are apparently kicking in as far as height goes. Due to being a premie she'll probably always be petite, but now she's going to be tall and thin it appears! Nick couldn't be happier to have a future volleyball player in the family.

By 9 months:

Started army crawling.
She actually started on Christmas day and over the last month has really mastered it. She gets anywhere she wants to go.

Can go from laying down to sitting up.

Will crawl a few paces on her knees before switching back to army crawling.
But by the end of the month she started full on crawling. She still army crawls, but she does her hands and knees more.

Grew 5 teeth. First her canines started showing signs of coming in, then randomly a bottom front tooth came in, then her canines popped through, then another bottom front tooth, and now a top front tooth, with the other top front one not far behind. And actually, we thought it was her canines until the front tooth came through and now it seems to be the teeth between her canines and front teeth because they're too close together not to be.
It's not very nice of me to put this picture, but you can almost see the top front tooth.

She's been an amazing teether. I didn't even know she had bottom teeth until I stuck my finger in her mouth. She has her grumpy moments, but I link it more to just being a baby and not so much to teething.

Started pursing her lips, scrunching her nose, and breathing in and out really fast. I've been trying to get her to copy me doing this for probably a month and I about died from laughter when she finally started doing it. It's seriously the cutest thing!
I think these pictures are SO cute and yet it doesn't even do the face justice. Tells ya just how cute it is to see her do it! By the time the flash went off and the picture snapped she wasn't doing it as well.

I love her eyes the most in these pictures. They're such a pretty shape.

Started sleeping with her bum in the air. Seriously so cute. But then again everything she does is cute!

She has the longest hair on top and fairly short hair on the sides. I've always said she has reverse old man hair, bald on the sides with a toupee on top!
 She likes to sit like a little cheerleader. It's fitting with her poofy ponytail!
All of that long hair on top makes for some pretty crazy bedhead after she gets up from her naps!

 And of course one with her cow, Bree.


Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

What a cutie patootie! I love her hair and her eyes do look really pretty in those pictures.

Tannie Datwyler said...

I used to do Claire's hair like that ALL the time!! I've been wishing D had more hair because I was already doing little tiny ponytails on Claire at this point. But it's still fun. :)

It looks like Shasta has the same scrunchy smile that Deirdre has - or at least similar. D breathes in and out like that too - it's so funny.

And HOORAY for good teethers!! My kids are like that too - it's such a blessing.

She is CUTE CUTE CUTE Sara!!

Tannie Datwyler said...

I wanted to say thank you Sara for your kind comment on my blog! It means a lot to me that the friends who are truly important to me won't be offended by something I might say off hand - that they will always trust that I am living with the best intentions.

You have always been such a good friend to me and friendship like that is truly valuable. I'm so glad I can read your blog and keep up with your life even though we no longer live close.