Friday, October 7, 2011

Shasta's First Studio Photo Shoot

I debated on whether or not to put up all the pictures from her photo shoot because we paid a small fortune for them, but there are 22 pictures and then 23 more of the same pictures with fun things done to them. 45 pictures is a lot for one blog post! But since the pictures weren't cheap I've decided to put up a good chunk of them. My other reason is so my family can see Shasta in all her cuteness!

PS. I don't know why Blogger is being lame. All the pictures are supposed to be centered, but instead most of them are coming up on the left.
The only smile.
Seriously love this girl's hair!
A little history behind her dress. Nick's Mom made everything you see: dress, shoes, bonnet. She's SO talented! And the dress is everything I wanted. I love eyelet fabric and it was impossible to find, but Raylene still managed to make the perfect dress. And to top it off, she added little Shasta Daisies to the bonnet, dress and shoes to make it completely unique to Shasta.
You can see the little Shasta Daisies on the bonnet.
My mom bought this dress and I absolutely love it! I couldn't wait for it to fit her and then it worked out so perfectly to fit in time for her blessing pictures!
I found it annoying that the photographer turned her so you couldn't see the cute flower on her headband.
She looks like a completely different baby to me with a hat on.
 Okay, so I ended up posting all 22 original shots. Sorry to bore you with my incredibly cute child! There are only 4 more pictures to go. These are just some fun ones that we had printed.
Isn't she just the best?!? I seriously can't get enough of her and these pictures make we want to hang a shrine of her on my walls. Even though we spent way too much on these pictures (a frustrating experience where we felt we were taken advantage of) I'm glad we have them. I think it will be fun to do professional pictures of her blessing dress, baptism dress, and obviously wedding dress. Now I just need to get crackin' on her scrapbook!


Tannie Datwyler said...

I'm so sorry these cost you so much, but she is such a doll, I love the pictures.

Sara said...

Not too many pictures at all. :) Such a cutie!

Sally said...

These pictures of Shasta are SO CUTE! I love the one in her blessing dress where she is on her belly and her chin is resting on her arms. I think that she is starting to look more and more like you. Such a cutie!!!

Lacey said...

She is such a doll! I just want to take her home with me!!