Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Half Birthday to Shasta!

Shasta is 6 months old as of yesterday. I've decided I want to celebrate half birthdays, but I had a hard time deciding how. A Mad Hatter's Tea Party sounds SO fun, but doing it for every half birthday every year is a lot and loses it's excitement so I had to think of something else. I wanted it to be something fun and different and a little silly, but nothing was coming to mind. Finally it hit me. A half birthday means a half celebration. Half a serving for dinner, a glass half full to drink, half a piece of dessert, etc. etc.

Unfortunately, yesterday was so busy that we didn't actually hold true to our new found tradition. In fact, I didn't even bother making dinner because I had a meeting that started at the same time Nick comes home for his break so he said not to worry about it. And I had intentions of making rice crispie treats as our half birthday dessert and didn't even get that done.

We did, however, do two things to celebrate Shasta's half birthday. First were her presents. They were things she was in need of and nothing she'll find exciting. Once she grows out of the clothing size she's in she doesn't have any dresses in the next size up so I got her two dresses. She also doesn't have very many warm clothes in her size or the next size up so I picked up two long sleeve onesies for her.

The biggest part about today was I GOT HER EARS PIERCED! Yes, it's true. I took away a piece of her innocence today. My family is pro piercing ears while they're still little and Nick's family isn't necessarily against it, but there are 6 other nieces and none have done it so far. In other words, I was for it and Nick was against it. Since day one of our marriage I've said I want to pierce my girls' ears when they're babies and he's always said not a chance. Last week I left him a note telling him Shasta and I went to get her ears pierced. We didn't really, but I needed to know what kind of trouble I was up against for when I did it on her half birthday. Surprisingly, he wasn't mad about it at all, but part of that may have been because he saw her ears weren't actually pierced. Then the whole week I talked about getting it done on her half birthday constantly and he never said one way or the other how he felt. Finally, on Saturday I asked him straight out if he was going to say he was okay with me going through with it because even though I planned on doing it, I still wanted him to be okay with it. He told me he wasn't going to give me his blessing, but he wasn't going to stop me. That was good enough for me!

She cried, but not very long and then she didn't care anymore. The lady doing it kept telling me to hold her head really still so she could put dots on her ears so she knew where to pierce them. Shasta was not a fan of being held down. The more I held her the more she wiggled and fought me and the more the lady kept telling me to hold her tighter. Finally, I stopped holding her head altogether and just let her play with my hand and she held perfectly still. For a six month old she did as good as could be expected. All in all I'm glad it's done and I don't have to beg Nick to give into me anymore! :)


Sally said...

Can I just say that she is so dang cute! I can't wait until you guys come to visit. She looks like a doll with her ears pierced. I will probably wait until my girls are six months old too to get their ears pierced. It's fun that you want to do a half birthday for your kiddos. Are you going to do it with you and Nick too?

Jennifer Tolman said...

CUTE!! I've just been reading back a bit and I am so happy she is starting to sleep through the night for you!! feels amazing! Love her cute hair and new earings!