Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lesson Learned #1

Shasta and I have a routine where every morning she wakes up far earlier than I am ready for so I pull her into bed with me and feed her and we both go back to sleep. Then after a while I get up for the day and she continues to sleep. Shasta has always been a spitter so I've learned to keep a burp rag under her head. And then I learned a burp rag wasn't big enough so we started using receiving blankets.

Today I learned it doesn't matter what size spit rag I put under her, she will always find a way to launch spit up so that it still gets all over the sheets. What I haven't learned is to make sure I lay her on Nick's side of the bed after he gets up! I guess it's a good thing today's chore list included washing the sheets.The lesson here is no matter how clever I think I am Shasta will without a doubt find a way to outsmart me. I guess I better up my game. She's only 4 months and already giving me a run for my money. But the bright side to this story: it could have happened while I was still lying next to her! And that, my friends, makes me thankful I got up when I did!


Tannie Datwyler said...

This is awesome!

I LOVE your new analogy for the University of Parenthood.

I also laughed hard when I read about you liking comments almost as much as licking batter out of a bowl. You crack me up friend.

Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

Holy WOW! Now that is some spit there! Talent. Pure talent. I am glad you were no longer laying there though. :)

AN Petersen said...

I'm sorry to say i think that little kids, especially babies will always think of a way to out smart us....its just not fair. She is so adorable though.

Kelsey Fairbanks said...

Gross! Bahahaha, but at least you can laugh about it, right?