Monday, August 22, 2011

25 Things...

... you may or may not know about me!
  1. I was born and raised in Arizona, but I've never been to the Grand Canyon
  2. I always try to keep the bathroom counter clear of clutter, but never put away my curling iron (because it's still hot). Bathrooms feel dirty enough without products all over the counter top.
  3. I only wear mascara, eyeliner, and blush. Occasionally I'll put on eye shadow, but mostly I'm just too lazy.
  4. I have to put eyeliner on my eyebrows because without it they're so blonde you can't see them
  5. I never get tired of telling people Nick is 9 years older than me.
  6. I'm up to 4 surgeries now. Twice on my arm as a kid (once to put 3 pins in, then again because one of the pins fell out), wisdom teeth (it counts as a surgery in my book because they put me under for it), and a c-section (if you want to see my scar just ask).
  7. The two surgeries on my arm were because I broke it in 3 places while jumping on the trampoline. Now my arm is slightly deformed looking, but I still have full use of it.
  8. I was engaged at 18 and got married two months after turning 19
  9. I can't stand long fingernails (on myself). I wish they wouldn't grow because sometimes clipping them is a real chore!
  10. I'm obsessed with the piano, but don't know how to play.
  11. When I'm alone at home or in the car I sing and sound exactly like whoever is playing on my iPOD, but as soon as someone else is around I sound like a dying cat.
  12. I love when Nick tells me I'm funny. I always feel like most people think my personality is dry and boring, but at least Nick knows I'm not that way!
  13. I hate the number 13 which is silly. Whenever I read a book I try not to pay attention to the page numbers and if I happen to notice I'm on page 13 (113, 213, etc) I try to read that page extra fast!
  14. I'm good at finances until Nick gets in the way
  15. I have an unrealistic fear of spiders. It takes a lot of convincing for me to be able to kill one if Nick isn't around. And every time Nick takes care of one for me I tell him he's so brave and he's my hero.
  16. I have a weird obsession with hands which could very well be the reason I love sign language, the piano, massage therapy, and chiropractic care. Maybe it's creepy, but I could watch someone do any one of those things all day long! My theory is I helped create hands in the preexistence and just like any artist; I love to stand back and observe my masterpiece!
  17. I love musicals. Almost all of them are a tie for my top favorite. Once Upon A Mattress, Annie, The Music Man, Newsies, Singin' in the Rain, Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, Fiddler on the Roof; how could I ever pick just one to be my favorite?! They're all SO GOOD in their own way! By the way, Nick thinks it's weird that I like Fiddler on the Roof. He says it's a "man's musical".
  18. I want to pierce Shasta's ears, but Nick says no. I find it incredibly tempting to do it anyway and apologize for it later!
  19. Whether I'm comfortable in conversation or not, without fail my face will turn red at some point. I can't control it. It's a disease really, one without a cure!
  20. I love playing in the rain in the summer. I never feel the need to run to the car when I'm leaving the store and its pouring rain. But sadly, now that we have a baby, Nick will go get the car and pull to the front so she doesn't get all wet. L
  21. I get tired of being told I need to care more about politics. Caring about politics is stress I'm not interested in having.
  22. I hate being in the kitchen without shoes on and the stereotype has nothing to do with it.
  23. I never adventure outside of ranch dressing when eating salad. Ranch is safe and makes everything happy unless of course there's too much mayo and not enough flavor, in which case I'll eat my salad without any dressing at all. I also never pour my dressing on my salad. Instead I dip my fork in the dressing and then pick up some salad, that way I don't contaminate my salad with dressing that may not taste right and if I decide to take it home my salad isn't soggy later.
  24. I think commercials make tv worth watching. It's annoying to me when someone changes the channel during commercial break; granted I haven't had tv for 3 ½ years so maybe they aren't as clever as they used to be.
  25. Facebook has given me some pet peeves. It annoys me when people only ever click the "like" button and never leave a comment. Every time I see a spelling or grammar mistake I find myself wanting to leave a comment and use that word within my comment so I can indirectly correct it. It also bugs me when people say things like "seester" or use short-hand in all of their posts. It's Today, not 2day, Great, not gr8, and is it really that hard to put a D on the end of the word And? Then again it's hypocritical for me to be so annoyed by these things because I like using made up words like "twinsies" and "for realsies" and I always say cuz instead of because. Last pet peeve I'll mention, "repost this if you agree". Seriously? It gets SO OLD scrolling through the news feeds and seeing the same posts 12 times. Let's exercise our own creativity people! Every time I see one of those status updates I think of chain mail. People must feel like if they read a post about their religious beliefs and don't repost it they're denying what they believe in and will be punished for it. To each their own I guess, but know this, I rarely ever read a status that has the words "repost this" anywhere within it. I search for those words and if they're there I move on. Stepping off my soapbox now.

So here's a question: What's one thing you think I don't know about you?


Paul and Mariko said...

Grammar/spelling and facebook just don't go together in some people's heads. Bugs the crap out of me too. I must say though, I am one of those who just "like" status' because I hate getting countless emails throughout the day of other's people's comments - people I don't know and quite frankly, generally don't give a hoot about what they have to say. And those dang "repost this..." ones are truly ridiculous. (I'm also all about writing out the entire word. The shortened versions are dumb, and in my opinion, meant for 13 year olds, IF they must be used at all.)
Hmm... something you don't know about me? I can put my feet behind my head. I've always been able to. It's super flattering. :D

AN Petersen said...

I am proud to say that i knew about 99% of that stuff. I think the only ones i didnt know is the shoes in the kitchen thing and the commericials. ( which i totally disagree with you on, you have been out of tv land for too long, they have gotten not only dummer but more sexual which i cant stand. ) Anywho, it makes me happy to be your friend and read all that stuff.

Josh and Kaleena said...

I only clicked dislike because I think it's funny to have it on there, and hope that no one ever clicks that again on your blog!!! That would be so awful! (Unless I guess you write a blog about being sick or something, then I can understand.) And I think it goes without saying that the grammar stuff bugs me too, but you're talking to the only person that uses punctuation in text messages. (Although I did just start a sentence using the word And-so who am I to judge.) Something you don't know about me...I'm Nick's very favorite sister. Oh wait! Of course you know that!

Jennifer Hoopes said...

I think it would be gr8 if evry1 just kept their opinions to themselves about grammar an worried about more important things like politics!

Katy said...

I'm going to make it my mission to get you to try a new type of dressing for your salad. You better hope we don't have dinner group together next week! I will let you taste it with your fork first if you wish, but I make some really good dressings... even though I love ranch and would die without it.

Sara said...

Now you can be in awe of all the people that are braver than you about posting corrections on facebook. Well, I guess you didn't say that you were afraid of correcting people, you're probably just too nice for that. I'm a little afraid of correcting people because I have an irrational fear of people not liking me. Isn't that silly?

Sara said...

whoops! You also have to choose the grammar section of that website. Here's a better url:

Jackie said...

Sara, I love this! It is so fun to get to know people better:) And I am loving that facebook grammar site. I have always wanted to do that to people!