Monday, May 9, 2011

Pros And Cons To No Longer Being Pregnant

I've had several people ask me if I'm glad I'm no longer pregnant so I thought I'd blog about it. There are a lot of pros and cons and oddly enough I have mixed feelings on the matter. I really didn't enjoy being pregnant. It was frustrating to me that I was 32 weeks and still throwing up regularly. I didn't have any energy to do anything and Shasta's arrival date was quickly approaching with nothing ready to go for her to come home.

Pro: Although I'm still plenty sore from the c-section and tire quickly, I've gotten a lot done in preparation for her to come home. We officially have a carseat and stroller and we bought a crib and dresser, but we haven't gotten them in the mail yet.

Con: I feel like I've missed out on the fun part of pregnancy. I was just to the point where I looked like I was having a baby. It took a long time for me to start showing and before I knew it it was gone.

Pro: I don't want to puke anymore and I don't have acid reflux!

Con: I have 5 different medications to take everyday. 2 of them are pain killers though so I only take them when needed.

Pro: I think my appetite has doubled from what it was before I was pregnant. I feel like I eat a LOT now which might actually be a con!

Con: I was put under for the c-section so I missed out on the delivery. I didn't feel any of my contractions so I don't know what they're like and I only dilated to a 3 before having an emergency c-section. Nick didn't get to be part of the delivery and I didn't have an epidural. Basically all of this means baby number two will be my first experience with all of these things and I get to worry about it all over again.

Pro: I get to hold and kiss my little girl two months sooner than expected.

Con: The last three days of being pregnant I had monitors on my belly so I didn't get to put my hands on my stomach to feel her move or interact with her.

Pro: No more swelling! In my feet anyway... my stomach still swells plenty where my stitches are.

Con: The last belly picture I took was at around 23 weeks so I don't have any pictures of actually looking pregnant.

Pro: I can eat cereal again!

Con: I still feel like I have pregnancy brain. I can't hold onto a thought to save my life.

Pro: I can bare the thought of doing it all over again. Not being pregnant makes me want to be pregnant.

Con: Pumping, pumping and more pumping. It never ends!

Pro: I'd take this over no longer being pregnant any day!

Although I feel like I was robbed of some important parts of pregnancy, I'd much rather hold my little girl in my arms than in my belly!


Tannie Datwyler said...

I love this post. :) I think we all (for the most part) have mixed feelings about not being pregnant anymore. As much as I LOVE newborns, there are a few moments in the first weeks where I wish she'd just go back inside so I didn't have to be awake all night and I could feel her kick again. :) It's especially hard when you go early though - I remember when I thought Claire was coming at 32 weeks, and I wasn't ready and thought I was going to be robbed of some of my experiences of being pregnant.

Lacey said...

Sara i love you! This post is so cute! The eating a ton thing is normal for nursing mothers.... so seriously eat as much as you want...

Randy and Raylene said...

Lacey is right!! Nursing is the best weight loss program on earth! I loved your blog. We all can't wait till she comes home - I'm sure you and Nick want that more than anyone though!!

AN Petersen said...

I loved your pros and cons. Isnt it strange though how not being pregnant can make you want to be pregnant in a way. so strange. She is adorable though, you are one very lucky momma. I love ya and im glad to hear you are doing better. I'm always here if you need anyting, even if i am a bit far away. : )

Hi, we're Bosh. said...

Hold the phone ... why can't you eat cereal while you're pregnant??? I don't think I can do that for nine months!

On a more serious note, Shasta is beautiful! Congratulations my dear! :)