Saturday, April 16, 2011

Publicity Stunt

Relay For Life did the best publicity stunt Utah State has ever seen... in my opinion of course! I wasn't sure we were gonna pull it off, but it really came together and it still gives me chills to think about it!

I don't know if you've ever heard of a flash mob dance, but basically you get a big group of people to all learn the same dance, find a public place, have music start playing, and randomly throughout the song people join in and start doing the dance. Then when the song ends everyone walks away and pretend like nothing happened.

Our Colleges Against Cancer Club President put together a dance and taught as many people as were willing to do it. We kind of thought maybe 15 people would show up to do the dance, but we easily doubled that which was cool. The morning of Relay For Life during one of the busy passing periods, Aggie Radio set up speakers for us outside the TSC and the club performed the dance. I volunteered to record the dance since I'm 7 months pregnant! I'm actually bummed because it was so bright I couldn't see the screen on my camera and couldn't tell if it was recording or not so I missed the beginning of the dance. Luckily we had three other people also record it so at least there are some good copies out there!

Here's my video for all to enjoy. It was our first time putting a flash mob dance together so it's not the best, but I think we're all pretty proud with how it turned out and I'm willing to bet it's something the Colleges Against Cancer Club will do every year as a Relay For Life Publicity stunt!


For some reason the video won't load and I'm tired of trying so if you want to see it you'll have to check it out on my facebook page. Sorry to disappoint.

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